Tuesday, August 31, 2010

2009-2010 Rating Year: Kiss It Goodbye!

Dateline: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at approx. 9:33 pm (aka 2133 hrs)

That's it! If you haven't got your days in yet, tough, er, luck! You may now have to beg for a leave of absence or forgiveness.

It's a Whole New Rating Year, Folks!.... Starting tomorrow, Wed., Sept. 1, 2010. Time to get your days in once again!
And so, we must now ask each and every one of you LACo Recurrents:

Have you got your days in yet ?!....

And as long as we are on the subject of minimum requirements, lets discuss the seasoned veteran LACo Recurrent who was S C R A M B L I N G early this afternoon at SMHQ and heading out the door to SMS Tower #16 to be timed in his recheck swim, under the supervision of Capt. Eugene Attanasio with stopwatch in hand, for the current and now soon to be expired rating year of 2009-2010..... none other than Alan Castro! Better Late Than Never Al!

We love it! An Absolute Classic At The Last Possible Moment! And Al: Don't even think about not staying on the List because we will put out an APB on your a** and have a Central Section beat down. We need you out there saving lives.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News


Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ronald "Jeep" Schaeffer: Rest In Peace

(Photo of Jeep on his 65th birthday in 2005, courtesy of the Schaeffer family and our Lifeguard Alumni.)

"County Recurrent" extends its condolences and prayers to the family and friends of Ronald "Jeep" Schaeffer, one of LACo's Finest Recurrent Beach Lifeguards, who recently passed away. With the consent of Jeep's family and our Lifeguard Alumni, we are herein republishing the beautiful eulogy celebrating Jeep's life.

"Ronald “Jeep” Shaeffer passed away on Saturday August 14, 2010 at 12:07pm at his home. With one hand held by family and friends and the other on his ukulele he passed away peacefully overlooking the sea he lovingly called “his cathedral”.

Jeep lived a life of adventure, joy, laughter, music and unyielding will. He knew with all his heart that there was nothing he couldn’t accomplish. Jeep was a big wave surfer before most people even knew what a surfboard was. He dreamt of becoming an LA County Lifeguard, and after two years of attempts Jeep’s determination prevailed and he passed the test. As a lifeguard he became a legend of skill, talent and trouble making.

He spent many sun-drenched days sailing upon his "cathedral" and many days snorkeling the shores of Catalina and diving treasured and secret lobster stashes. Jeep’s other passion was the wind, and despite his fear of heights, flying. After working the beaches he would ride his bike to Torrance Airport where he learned to fly. He soloed after only 8 hours and eventually became a pilot for TWA. He often said “some pilots love the mechanics of flying, how planes work, the science behind flight and how they lift and soar and then there are pilots who just love to fly. I just love to fly.” He retired as a TWA Captain after 33 years. He loved every day he had in the sky.

Jeep’s love for the sea and the sky was only surpassed by his love for family and friends. Laughter and music with those he loved are the core of his soul.

Ronald “Jeep” Shaeffer lived a life of richness and adventure that is impossible to convey in a paragraph or a novel. His legacy lives on in the hearts of those who knew and loved him and the endless stories of him they cherish. He will be dearly missed. He is survived by his loving children Laura Lynch and Jason Shaeffer and his fiancée Joyce Jerome.

On September 18th at 10:00am we will meet on 22nd street in Hermosa Beach for a paddle out, to be followed by food, drink, stories and music at Sangria on Pier avenue in Hermosa Beach at 2:00 pm. Please join us for this memorial and be prepared to talk story, laugh and sing.

In lieu of flowers please donate to the LA County Lifeguard Association Trust Fund: 524 Garnet Street, #B, Redondo Beach, CA 90277

A Hui Ho"

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Respectfully submitted,

"County Recurrent" News

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Saturday, August 28, 2010

"County Recurrent" Strafes Southern Section!

Dateline: Saturday, August 28, 2010

"County Recurrent" strafed Southern Section this afternoon with a site visit to Southern Section Headquarters.

(Photo below shows OLS Taylor Morgan, upstairs at SSH watching the water.)

(Photo below shows SSH Captain Virginia Rupe in the Captains Office taking care of business.)

(Photo below shows OLS Dave Anderson, locking up the LACOLA Locker at SSH... but not before "County Recurrent" had a peak inside and grabbed some gear. This is without a doubt the Best LACOLA Locker in the County and is maintained and managed by OLS-Paramedic Joel Gitelson.)

(Photo below shows view from Pier of exterior of SSH looking south with Palos Verdes in the distance.)

(Photo below shows the hardest working OLS at SSH at this exact moment... OLS Dave Nelson, explaining that sweeping the sand from the driveway is a constant battle against mother nature.)

(Photo belows shows Southern Section Area Captain, Shannon Davey, adjacent to her Captain's unit behind SSH.)

(And the next five photos shows a prevention, in sequence, by the LACo Recurrent just north of the Hermosa Pier, and witnessed by the undersigned reporter from "County Recurrent" News.)

(Photo below shows the Hermosa Pier under bright sunlight in the late afternoon.)

(Photo below shows the famed surfer statue at the foot of the Hermosa Pier in the foreground and the beach and tower just north of the pier in the distance.)

And no trip to Hermosa Beach is complete without checking out the shops and bar scene nearby...

(Photo below shows an off duty Southern Section lifeguard... t-shirt. Hey, we're not judging, just reporting!...)

and having made our purchase, we began our trip back to Central Section but not before we made a stop and discovered the same sign on the Liberty's front porch that we had just seen at Pier Surf!.... Wow!... what a coincidence!...

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

How Cold Is The Water In Antarctica?!...

Just in from Yankee Ocean Lifeguard Turned Aussie Lifesaver, Jerry Bennette.

August 26, 2010

Hi Will

As it is so hot in SoCal at the moment I thought I would send you some photos of summer in Antarctica. Please post on your site.

In January-February this year my wife Jill and I spent 38 days in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica on an expedition ship named the Orion. The ship is based in Australia and travels to the Ross Sea and Commonwealth Bay regions of Antarctica during the southern hemisphere summer when the sea ice has cleared.

Once inside the Antarctic Circle it is traditional to do a polar plunge.

The water is for the plunge is usually around minus 1 degree Celsius and the air can vary from 0 to -10 degrees Celsius. Hypothermia starts setting in after about 1-2 minutes. Jumping or diving into such cold water is not for the faint hearted hence the safety harness.

After the plunge several cups of hot rum is the reward.

English Antarctic explorer Scott’s Hut at Cape Evans on Ross Island. Cape Evans is located about 20 nautical miles from the US Base at McMurdo Sound.

That’s me in full Lifesaving gear diving into the sea in front of Scott’s Hut with Mt. Erebus in background. Scott’s Hut is located at 77.15 degrees south about 600 nautical miles from the South Pole. The air temperature was -5C and the water was -2C. Sea water starts to freeze at -2C.

In the middle of the Southern Ocean well inside the Antarctic Circle the ship sailed through an unusual area of calm water. The expedition leader decided to have a mid- ocean polar plunge with a difference as you can see. As I was always playing jokes on him he decided to get even. The water was a warm 0 degrees C and the air was -5C.

The polar plunge was very cool fun!

Jill and I enjoying a cold glass of beer on the back deck of the Orion with Mt. Erebus as background.

We have been to the Antarctic twice and would go back anytime to its beautiful pristine environment.

I am in full training for re-qualification as a patrol captain for the upcoming season at Lennox Head. At 65 it is hard work but I can still keep up with some of the young guys.

I am still in the process of scanning the substantial number of slides and memorabilia of the 1967 SLSA tour of Australia for you and Bob.

Best Regards
Jerry Bennette

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Many Thanks to Jerry for sharing his trip further down under than most people would even consider going for a swim. Great Stuff!

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News


Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Surf's Up... At the Beach AND in The Gallery!

Heads up! Outside! Inside too !

A. The surf is still pumping in so. cal. Just check out the front page of today's print edition of the L.A. Times.

(Source: Front Page Los Angeles Times; Photo by Irfan Khan, L.A. Times)

Read the accompanying text and story online:


B. Surf and Wave Art Gallery Show in Marina Del Rey this weekend, Sat., August 28th!

*** Note: Special Discount being offered to Lifeguards ***

Marina Fine Arts

4716 Admiralty Way
Waterside Shopping Center
Marina Del Rey 310-305-7678

Join us at the gallery for a “Beach Party”

Wave Photography by emerging artist, David Orias

Come by and meet our best selling artist over the last 6 months! There will be special deals this night only. Stop by early.

Saturday August 28th 5-8 PM

Check out these sample cool wave photos: Many Thanks to Nick Steers and Jim Doman for the heads up on this show and to Mike Woolsey of Marina Fine Arts, the gallery owner for his permission to post these photos by the artist-photographer, David Orias.

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Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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