(Photo above shows the Victorious Central Section Taplin Relay Team, August 2009. Chad Carvin is at lower right, first row. Photo by Will Maguire.)
"County Recurrent" recently asked LACo OL-Competitor, Chad Carvin, to share a fond memory with respect to Surf Lifesaving Competitions which he agreed to do. We hope you enjoy Chad's remarks!
"The 2008 Central Taplin Team was holding its annual morale building team dinner before the annual event in August. As a ritual, each member of the team goes in competition order saying something motivational or special to them, then takes a shot of tequila to solidify the thought. Also, as a background, Central at this point hasn't been on the Bell in a number of years and most of this year's team will be first time "bell ringers".
As we head down the team into the dorymen, JVD the team captain stands up. JVD is a very charismatic, passionate individual. Before he even spoke, I could see a fire in his eyes as he looks at his fellow teammates, his desire to win emanates from his being. JVD's speech crescendos with spit coming from his mouth and sweat flinging off his forehead with the simple words, "LETS WIN TAPLINS!!!!".
(Photo above shows JVD exhorting his teammates at the pre-Taplin Team Party.)
I sit there thinking, "Geez I wish I had a JVD pep talk before my Olympic final... who knows what would have happened". I was so fired up, I had goosebumps. I think everyone felt the same way!
That year we went on to smash the second place South Bayers and bring the Taplin Bell to the Central Section for the first time in a number of years. For me that year's victory all started with the speech from JVD. The passion JVD has for lifeguarding and the tradition of the Taplin is truly something special!"
Many Thanks to Chad for sharing this defining moment in his career as an LACo OL-Surf Lifesaving Competitor.
Editor's note: Chad Carvin placed first in the rookie swim in the Fall of 2006. Those who watched this particular swim, including the undersigned, remember that he dominated this race from the first buoy, stretching his lead and finishing on the beach with the second place swimmer rounding the last buoy. In the summer of 2007, he was a member of the So. Section winning Taplin team as a swimmer. In 2008 he transferred to Central Section and has been on each Taplin team since that time, with Central Section victories in each and every one of those years, namely, 2008, 2009 and 2010. Chad grew up in Laguna Beach and swam for the University of Arizona and was a beach lifeguard for the City of Laguna Beach before becoming a LACo OL.
(Photo above shows Chad Carvin, on duty and watching the water at Will Rogers Tower #8 on Saturday, June, 2011.)
(Photo above shows, L2R: Central Section Taplin Relay teammates, Jamie Orr and Chad Carvin, at the recent surprise birthday party for LACo Capt. Kirk Thomas held at the infamous and perennial backyard lifeguard party venue of LACo OLS, Jay Hopkins, June 2011.)
Until next time.....
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1 comment:
Go Central Section and Go Arizona Wildcats!
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