Observed just inside CSHQ... VIPER® fins and "thinksport®" sunscreen...
(x-ref: #trademarks on the beach...)
Below, SMPD "Eye in the Sky" set up near bike path in preparation for the Thursday Nite Concert Series on the pier!...
Below, yellow coned emergency vehicle access area set up in advance of tonite's concert on the pier...
Above and below, veteran LACo OL/Paramedic, Nick Sullivan, on duty at SMS Tower #16... and Nick just won the MEGA race in Huntington Beach again this past Tuesday morning, July 11th! Congratulations, Nick!
x-ref: MEGA 2017 Event Flyer Map (4 swims + 5 runs!)
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(Image source: As posted by L.A. County Surf Lifesaving Assn.) |
Below, SMS continues to struggle with #beachtrash near the water's edge which the City of Santa Monica, in spite of statements to the contrary, does not, in fact, hand pick up and dispose of on a daily basis.
Tower #20 is a regular target of local graffiti artists (aka, gangbangers)...
Below, more #beachtrash...
On a more positive note, below, I suddenly notice off duty veteran LACo OL, Lane Murphy, just exiting the ocean with his surfboard in hand...
It's summer vacation for Lane... who has the summer off from teaching at Fairfax HS, where he teaches as does LACo OL, Justin Kirby...
Below, after scrutinizing this photo carefully, I realized that in the background at right is OL Chris Murphy on his on duty workout out of SMS Tower #20... meanwhile, front and center is Lane Murphy (no relation)!... Therefore, I think it is only fitting that at least for today that SMS just be renamed, "MURPHY'S BEACH"!...
I almost stepped on this bamboo subtly half buried in the sand along the berm while talking to Lane...
And there he goes! Seeya, Lane!
More #beachtrash uncollected, below, by the City of Santa Monica...
Below, on duty at SMS Tower #22, veteran LACo OL, Scott Snyder...
A day camp and its staff at play in the ocean, below...
Below, LACo Rookie OL, Misa Acosta, at Tower #24...
The main station along SMS, Tower #26 and check out the Captain America paddleboard!...
Heading toward the ocean on an on duty workout is OLS Chad Carvin with his DA FIN fins in hand...
Watching the water, below, on deck at SMS Tower #26, veteran LACo OL, Kevin Maxwell...
Rookie Acosta still watching the water at Tower #24. We gotta keep him around!
Below, veteran LACo OL, Chris Murphy, adds the Blackball flag to the flag pole at Tower #20...
Below, rookie OL, Ryan Keith, on a foot patrol out of SMS Tower #17...
Until next time.....
"County Recurrent" News
(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)
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