(Above is a recent photo of Eric "in country" in Afghanistan. Photo courtesy of Eric Liberty.)
Recently, "County Recurrent heard from LACo OL, Eric Liberty, currently deployed to Afghanistan with the USAF. He was responding to our question, "How does an L.A. County Ocean Lifeguard (aka, Recurrent) stay in shape with no pool or ocean available or, in other words, when you cannot follow the Randy DeGregori "Ocean Wet Daily" philosophy, what do you do ? Inquiring Recurrent's Want to Know !
Here is Eric's reply:
"I've been going to the gym at least every other day, averaging about 4 times a week. No jumping rope for me. I do 25 minutes on the elliptical machine at level 12 to get the heart rate up, followed by chin ups (hands forward). I started off doing a set of 8, then 6, and then 4 or 5. Now, after a month, I'm busting out 4 sets of 10 no problem."
*** Editor's comment: 4 sets of 10 chin ups?! Note to CSHQ and JVD: Draft this guy for the Central Section Taplin Dory Crew!
(Photo above shows Elliptical Machine which Eric uses).
"Then I move on to the ab machine for 4 to 6 sets. Then it's on to the iso bench press machine for about 5 sets. After that I move on to whatever isn't crowded in the gym; either bicep curls, butterfly curls, lat pulls, etc... I don't do any lower body stuff, I figure the elliptical machine handles enough of that. It's a total of about an hour routine."
(Photo above shows the iso bench press machine that Eric uses.)
Thanks E ! All of us should emulate your dedication to fitness out of the water, esp. the cardio/elliptical training which will prepare you for those long runs to spring rip currents and inshore holes two to three towers down...
(Photo above shows Eric on duty this past summer, in uniform as an LACo Ocean Lifeguard. Photo courtesy of Eric Liberty.)
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p.s. Eric has been receiving the care packages sent to him in Afghanistan and he says that he and his crew have been enjoying the goodies sent to him by our extended Lifeguard Family. We heard that one of his buddies was hoping for some "good coffee" (because apparently the AF does not carry Starbucks or the like...). So "County Recurrent" put out an APB for Good Coffee and Adam Sandler happened to have some premium coffee left over from one of his company's product sponsors, so Eric has become the unofficial on base coffee barista of sorts. As Eric works the graveyard shift starting at midnight, he says he begins by brewing up a pot of the "good coffee" that he has received to date. Here are a few remarks from Eric about how the "good coffee" has gone over!
"Every night around midnight I make a pot of coffee and it's gone in like 5 minutes because everybody knows that I make the best coffee. It seems like everyone else makes it way too strong and it tastes like crap. So I pretty much hear them say, "Hey Liberty, did you make some coffee yet?" or "Hey Liberty, when are you gonna make some coffee?" Everyone is definitely stoked on it though, for sure.
p.s.s. Somehow, we are not sure how... but Eric obtained a couple of "JJ I SWAM FOR J.J." stickers (which, of course, honor Johnny Joseph, the retired and revered swim team coach for many, many years at Santa Monica College and who groomed probably more swimmers to become LACo beach lifeguards than any other coach). So for those of us who are SMC Swim Team Alumni and LACo Lifeguards (past and present), there are now a couple of JJ Stickers on base "in country" in Afghanistan... which Eric has been busying himself with as one of his primary off duty obligations. 10-4, Eric!
(Photo above shows a JJ Sticker on a base refrigerator "in country" in Afghanistan. Photo by and courtesy of Eric Liberty.)
Until next time.....
"County Recurrent" News
Service • Training • Commitment
*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***
DISCLAIMER: County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.
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