Friday, June 2, 2017

Watch The Water: Barcelona

Pedro, a Barcelona Beach Lifeguard, on duty, watching the water...
Dateline: Barcelona, Spain, along Barceloneta Beach.  May 21 - 26, 2017.  Barcelona has an outstanding beach culture along this stretch of sand on the Mediterranean Sea.  There was no surf during the period of time I was there, but the beach scene is simply stunning with beach lifeguards on duty watching the water.  One day I swam around a couple of buoys and my temperature gauge indicated it was 68 degrees Fahrenheit.  Very nice, indeed!

Here are the photos and videos I took of Barceloneta Beach.  Be sure to add Barcelona to your bucket list because if you enjoy aquatics, Barcelona is Mecca!

***  Preview Videos!...  *** 

•  Barceloneta Beach: The Video

•  Above Xup, Xup at Barceloneta Beach: The Video

 •  Beside Xup, Xup at Barceloneta Beach: The Video

•  The Sand Dragon at Barceloneta Beach: The Video

This sculpture, above and below, was really interesting and intriguing and I found myself staring at it and walking toward it purposely over the course of several days.  It is called, L'ESTEL FERIT.


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Watch The Water Xup, Xup: The Video

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•  Barcelona Beach Bartender Training: The Video

•  Watch The Water at Sant Sebastia: The Video

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Baywatch Barcelona: The Video

Additional References:


That's it!...  If you get the chance to visit Barcelona, do so.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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