Thursday, June 1, 2017

June 1st, 2017: SMN, SMS and the Santa Monica Pier...

Dateline: Thursday afternoon, June 1, 2017 at and after 4:30 pm, we undertook a reconnaissance of SMN from the bluffs, the Santa Monica Pier, a bit of SMS and CSHQ and the adjacent environment...

Here are the photos, plus a video for your viewing pleasure.....

Santa Monica North...

Santa Monica Pier...

Santa Monica South...

And HEY!... check this out.  La Victoria®, the Mexican salsa company, is apparently celebrating their 100th birthday on the Pier this evening!  Who knew I would be able to toss in some trademark information in this blog post?!...

And no trip to the pier and SMHQ is complete without a photos HOT DOG ON A STICK!...
x-ref: Arthur Verge's pick up spot "back in the day..."

And Hey!  Look who is visiting CSHQ off duty, none other than veteran LACo OL, Paul Silka, M.D.!

And upstairs, on a TX shift, is OLS Eric Liberty...

Below, at left, Capt. Remy Smith, with OLS Eric Liberty "paying it forward" on a TX shift...

Below, Ristorante Al Mare, on the Santa Monica Pier...

Outstanding views from the top 3rd floor deck at Ristorante Al Mare!...

 *** Video Alert ! ***

The View from Ristorante Al Mare: The Video

And a new restaurant is being built out at the corner of Broadway and Ocean Ave. called:

.... sorry Joel, probably not a vegetarian restaurant.....    :-)

And speaking of Jacaranda trees... the Third Street Promenade is full of them!... and they are, of course, now in bloom.....


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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