Saturday, June 3, 2017

Strafing Venice...

Dateline: Saturday, June 3, 2017...  Began today's audit at SMS Tower #28 where the charity LIFE ROLLS ON was setting up a HUGE EVENT for disabled athletes seeking to learn to surf. 500 plus people would roll to this event today!...  I had no idea that they were even going to be there.  A separate blog post will be devoted to "Life Rolls On".

I walked along the shoreline from Santa Monica South Tower #28 to the Venice Breakwater where this photo journal begins.....

Hail Czer!...


OL Snell, below, setting up his cones at Ave-23...

And Hey!... there's soon to be college graduate, OL Toby Contarsy...

Below, OLS Vicente at the Venice Pier!...

Working our way back, there's OL Snell on deck at Ave-23...

Off duty and enjoying a day at the beach with his two kids, below, is OL Pennington!...

And apparently, the Dept. is hiring even younger guards... one of them has left his car sea at Division in the garage...

And check out the brand spanking new POLARIS® ATV!!!  According to Assnt. Chief Boiteux, it is 2, 4 and 6 wheel drive capable!!!...

At Brooks Ave, below, featuring the temporary rainbow coloring, is Veteran LACo OL, Juan Delgadillo...

Back on the boardwalk at Rose Ave, I purchased this hand made wood painted sign!...

Back at SMS Tower #28, the LIFE ROLLS ON (LRO) event is in full swing and its lunch time!...

SMS Tower #28 was doubled with OL/Paramedic Zach Pampa and OL Scott Snyder due to the LRO event...

Below, OL Pampa

On deck at SMS #28, OL Scott Snyder...

Below, A LRO team of volunteers and a very happy and stoked LRO Athlete celebrate her catching a wave!...  What a Fantastic Event!

OL Pampa watching the water and the athletes and volunteers!...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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