Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Will Rogers North Audit...

Dateline: Mid morning, Tuesday, August 30, 2016... we decided it was high time to check out the beach/sand erosion that we had heard about along Will Rogers North (from the jetty out front of Gladstones to Castle Rock at Tower #1... or where Tower #1 used to be.....)

Lots of missing sand, that's for sure!...

The WRN Garage... probably the most worthless building in Lifeguard Division...

How much sand erosion, you ask?... So much that both Tower #1 and Tower #3 are off the beach!...

Below, "Take That, Joel Gitelson!"   :-) 

In terms of trash on the beach, WRN is a lot cleaner than Santa Monica South, but we did notice that there was some trash on the soft sand and along the water line that needs to be collected by the LACo Dept. of Beaches and Harbors, which they must be doing because otherwise there would surely be a great deal more trash left behind on the beach.

Sea slug, below, I think...  Saw several of them beached between the high and low tide line along WRN...

And guess who was the OT OLS Today at WRN?!...  Eric Liberty!

And the day shift hire OL was Veteran Joy Espin, below...

Below, OLS Eric Liberty watching the water...

After a short soft sand/hard pack run and a swim, we hit the shower and took our leave but not before one last photo showing OLS Liberty watching the water from inside Tower #2...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News


(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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