Sunday, August 28, 2016

#Sunday #Venice #Reconn

Dateline: Mid morning, Sunday, August 28, 2016... we began our off duty reconn of Venice Beach at SMS Tower #28 and said hi and bye to SMS Tower #28 OL, Mike Peoples, Ph.d, but not before we dropped off our workout kit and observed a dory off of Mike's tower... which we then scoped out with some video...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Dory Reconnaissance: The Video

Along Venice North near Rose Ave. we spot one of the Baywatch rescue boats patrolling up the coast in the direction of Santa Monica...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Baywatch On Patrol Along Venice North: The Video

Below, OL Charlie Patch on his on duty workout along Venice North...

Below, The Venice Breakwater with OLS Hayk and OL Jordan Stephens

Below, the A Team at Venice Breakwater... L2R, Hayk, Vic, and Jordan...

Below, OL Toby Contarsy has his hands full at Ave-18...

... but not so full that he can't ham it up!...

and Toby wears Hobie...

Hey Jack!...

Below, at left, OL Dustin Miller with his brother, Jamie, who will be taking the rookie test in September!

Below, OL Wadley at Ave-23

The Venice South A Team, below, L2R, OLS Scott DeBoer with OL/Paramedic, Barry Snyder, at the wheel.  Barry just got married too!

Surprise!... There's OL, Bengi Garcia, below, who has it made in the shade at Ave-26... and check out the unintentional photo bomb by young Chase Brouwer carrying his surfboard up the beach just to the left of Bengi's umbrella!...

And here comes another Ave-26 local, Mrs. Christina Alexander... Angus' better half.....

We made our flip turn at the Venice Pier for the trip back to SMS Tower #28...

The first thing one notices as they walk along the soft sand along Venice is the absence of trash on the beach, which is very much unlike in the City of Santa Monica.  I stopped a LACo Beaches & Harbors truck near the Breakwater and complimented them on how clean the beach was and told them how bad it is along Santa Monica South.  The driver said that is because they don't clean between the water line and the berm in Santa Monica. They only use the big equipment and their trucks.

Back to Ave-26, we see Long Beach OL, Dane Contarsy, heading home with his surfboard after a surf session and a buoy swim with LACo OL Candidate/Hopeful, Molly Garcia...

Speaking of the Garcia family... here they are minus Sebastian (aka, Seabass) who is probably working the beach getting in some more work before returning to college in late September in Chicago...

Below, LACo OL (Ret.)/LACo Deputy County Counsel, Ricky Brouwer, just finished up a surf session at Ave-26...

The Ave-26 Gang is building..... with the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Makuta!...

and then we headed back to our starting point by way of the famed Venice Boardwalk... and along the way we looked in on the Classic Car Show in the parking lot at the end of Venice Blvd...

Below, not what we were expecting... to say the least.....

Back at SMS Tower #28, it's just past 12 noon and the tower is now doubled with, L2R, OL Ben Gottlieb and OL Mike Peoples...

Next up, a swim and a nap followed by the "Jaro Snopek Lifeguard Special" at Perry's Beach Cafe behind SMS Tower #26...

Get this... with your Lifeguard I.D., you get a slice of pizza, a salad, and a beverage for FREE! Thank you, Perry's!


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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