Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Santa Monica South: Trash Along The Waterline...

Dateline: Wednesday morning, August 31, 2016... in the continuing saga of the City of Santa Monica not hand picking up the trash from the water line to the berm, here are the photos we took this morning after 10 a.m. which continues to show that there is no hand picking of trash being done on a regular basis by the City of Santa Monica, and certainly not daily.

We filled a large plastic bag full of trash (glass, plastic, paper products, even a dead fish, a dead seagull and some tar) between Lifeguard Tower 16 and Tower 22...

Filled this plastic bag full of trash by the time I got to Tower 22...

Here is everything inside the bag that I collected along the water line to the berm that was not cleaned up or hand picked by the City of Santa Monica...

After placing the recyclable material in the recycle bin, the balance was thrown away in one of the beach garbage bins.

It is hoped that this continuing blog series showing the abundance of trash along the shoreline in the City of Santa Monica will compel the City to do something about and to audit their staff that they say are hand picking this trash along the water line.  Our efforts say otherwise.

Respectfully submitted,

Will Maguire, Editor
"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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