Thursday, August 11, 2016

SMS and SMN 1550 Reconnaissance...

Dateline: Thursday morning, August 11, 2016...

First off, a brief op-ed on the state of the beach clean up each morning by the City of Santa Monica.  They run their machines from the berm to the back of the beach which does a fairly good job of raking up the trash.  Unfortunately, they do not pick up the trash from the berm to the water line.  The amount of trash, e.g., wrappers, diapers, plastic, paper, plastic bottles, glass bottles and aluminum cans is absolutely STAGGERING!  Frankly, it is inexcusable for the City of Santa Monica not to clean up the trash between the berm and the water line.  And so we begin with several samples of the types of trash encountered along SMS, particularly between the Pier and SMS Tower #18.  The undersigned picked up a plastic trash bag full of this garbage this morning between the pier and Tower #17 alone.

We begin our off duty foot patrol along SMS with a discarded can of MODELO® beer... the most discarded beer brand on SMS.

There is one big dude missing a sandal too!...

Somebody forgot their t-shirt and left it on the beach inside out... I turned it around and the artwork on the front of the t-shirt made my day!... and brought a laugh and a smile!  :-)

This discarded GREAT WHITE® beer bottle was left, as is, with another and its cardboard container...

Meanwhile, we noticed OL Brandon Leon washing his windows, below, at SMS Tower #22...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Brandon Leon's Lifeguard Tower Window Washing Tutorial: The Video   

USCG "Coasties" on patrol...

Below, a discarded plastic container of CHARLIE SHEEN INDICA...  I showed it to Ben Gottlieb and he told us that celebrity endorsed cannabis is "the thing" in Colorado... and popped the cap and darned if it didn't disperse an intoxicating aroma.....  :-)   I posted this photo later on Twitter as a celebrity branded/trademarked (?) marijuana sample found in the sand empty and discarded...

Below,  OL Ben Gottlieb's legs on the ramp at SMS Tower #26 with the newly acquired by Ben Gottlieb slab of wood which runs the width of and at the bottom of the ramp, and which has apparently replaced the now missing in action, and previously celebrated and promoted "Mike Murphy Foot Bucket Pedestal"...

Below, some of the branded sunscreens at SMS Tower #26... According to Ben, BANX is a brand of natural sunscreens from North Carolina...

And then it was time for a buoy swim out to the SMS Tower #26 buoy...  which was most excellent!

And then we headed back toward CSHQ, where we came across more discarded trash on the beach along SMS...

In all, we found three empty cans of MODELO® on today's foot patrol...

Found this empty bottle of Corona® beer, and another one completely broken in shards in the sand just below the surface out front of SMS Tower #24 which I partially stepped on and fortunately did not get injured by... and yes, I took the time to pick it all up... This is one of the negative aspects of the heavy equipment used to clean up the soft sand above the berm because the tires often find bottles and pulverize them leaving them broken and in pieces just below the surface of the sand... just waiting for someone to step on... so be careful out there and try to avoid the tire tracks... just sayin'...

*** The Big Surprise of the morning, however, was seeing Veteran OL, Taylor Manuel, at SMS Tower #20 getting Day #4 (aka, minimum annual days for this top step veteran) of the rating year in...  Taylor lives in Idaho now with his wife who is expecting their first child in early September...  We have sure missed him, that's for sure....

And on Day #3 yesterday, one of the local SMS stingrays said hello to Taylor on his right foot below...  Didn't seem to phase Taylor one bit.  I told him that the stingray was just saying hi to him after being away for so long.

Below, Capt. Eugene Atanasio upstairs at CSHQ...

OLS Cosmo Flynn taking out the recyclables upstairs at CSHQ...

We continued our climb up the stairs because we heard that there were DONUTS upstairs!!!

*** Video Alert ! ***

Donut Rumor At CSHQ:  The Video

And then we walked over to SMN 1550 to pick up our Summer 2016 SMN Crew T-Shirt produced and designed by Veteran OL, Gabe Campos...

*** Video Alert ! ***

 Sneaking Up On Gabe Campos At SMN 1550: The Video

The 2016 SMN Crew T-Shirt design, below, as modeled by OL Bryan Hernandez, in this case on the hoodie version...

 I told Gabe he better make sure I counted correctly...

*** And check out the SIZE of Gabe's......... BINOCULARS!   GEEZUSSSSSS!!!...  I'm told that he can tell what Capt. Scott Grigsby is eating at SMN Tower #8 all the way from SMN 1550 with those binos!...

And below, here again is OL Bryan Hernandez, shown wearing his brand spanking new SPY® sunglasses, sold to LACo lifeguards at a deep discount available through LACOLA. This pair only cost him $50! He was stoked with the both the discount and the quality of these exceptional polarized sunglasses!

*** Recurrent Quiz:  Can you spot OL Matt Alberti in the photo below?

If not, here is a close up to help you out...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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