Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Here and There...

A posting of miscellaneous photos and comments, for your consideration...

First of all...

•  Does anyone else think that OL Ryan Makuta should take up door to door sales of gardening tools after he finishes college this fall?...  cuz he would certainly kill it and be able to pay off some of those student loans!...  :-)  Just sayin'...

•  Apparently, OLS Ivan Wilkins is NOT a vegetarian!... 

•  Are these three guys related or What?!...

•  OL-Attorney, Greg Crum, (is) on the fence... maybe he should partner up with Makuta on the gardening tool sales gig...

•  Central Section had a rookie Senator this summer... Zach Senator, that is, who kicked butt as a swimmer on the Santa Monica Intracrew Relay team and made a bunch of rescues along SMS and is off to start his freshman year at Pomona College where he will play water polo and swim...

•  And we apparently surprised OL Drew Jones this morning as he was opening up SMS Tower #18...

•  Last but not least, we hope you all enjoy what's left of this Summer of 2016 as there are only just a few weeks remaining... so make them count...  because, after all, we do love the beach...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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