Thursday, August 11, 2016

SMS Art Installation...

Dateline: Friday morning, August 12, 2016.  Santa Monica South has a new art installation according to OL Conor Vergi.   Having correctly and creatively used the word "installation", I knew that young Conor must be a college graduate and indeed he is.  USC, as a matter of fact, where he played water polo all four years, every one of which his team won the NCAA Div. 1 Championship!  That's a lot of hardware!  About that art installation, though...   actually, it's just some of the stuff left behind from last nite's Twilight Concert Series.  The expansion of the Metro Expo line has really increased the number of people attending this weekly summer event and the trash left behind has also, unfortunately, increased proportionally.

Because we were in the area..... we then headed over to SMS Tower #16 to take a swim and found none other than veteran OL, Mike Peoples, Ph.d, on duty!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

American Hero Mike Peoples: The Video

After our swim we noticed Mike watching the water and also being the goodwill ambassador that he is, he tells a group from Italy that just drove down to Santa Monica this morning from Santa Barbara about the local scene...  What a guy!...

Mike Peoples And The Italians!...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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