Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Summer 2016: Venice Junior Lifeguards Audit...

Dateline: Wednesday morning, July 6, 2016... Venice Beach, Calif... at Ave 26.  We rolled into the parking lot, parked, got changed into board shorts and hit the sand with our fins and a towel... and, of course, our trusty camera...  Here are the photos and videos for your consideration.....

Venice "A" JG's practicing on paddle boards...

Venice "A" JG Instructor, veteran LACo OL, Steve Contarsy, below in blue long sleeve rash guard with baseball cap and sunglasses. Also leading the "A" JG's in Venice (not in photo below) is veteran LACo OL, Nila Ward.

And here come the "B's" led by LACo OL, Toby Contarsy...

Below, "A" paddleboarder with "B" JG's hitting the water in the background for a swim...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Venice "A" JG's On Paddleboards: The Video

Below, "B's" completing their swim and running up the beach...

A's mingling during continuing paddle board drill, below...

B's drying off...

Woh!  Avoid vehicle track marks in the soft sand!... I stepped on a broken bottle of MODELO beer... my right heel landed right on this broken bottle... fortunately, I was not running or walking heavily and was able to lift my foot quickly without injury...  Did dig out the remains and discard, however.  Be careful out there!...  sidenote: rescued hat found in soft sand at Will Rogers Tower #8 on July 4th!... taken home, washed and ready to wear... just sayin'... Fins by DaFin®...

A JG Instructors, at left, Nila Ward; at right, Steve Contarsy. In middle one of their star A JG's.

From a distance, south of Ave 26, we notice that the "A" group is starting their next drill...  Run-swim-run-swim-run-swim-run.   Wow!...

This drill begins with a run from the berm to the back of the beach and back to the water where they start the first swim...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Venice "A" JG's On The Run: The Video

A group JG, Bella, leads after first swim...

*** Video Alert ! ***

 Venice "A" JG In The Lead: The Video

Bella continues to lead heading into 2nd swim.....

At this point, I jumped in with my fins and encouraged the A group JG's as they completed the 2nd swim segment...

After conclusion of this arduous drill, the A's dry off, fuel up and rehydrate with A instructor Steve Contarsy...

note:  in the background on and in front of the Ave 26 lifeguard tower are the Venice "C's" led, in part, by OL Savannah Fletcher...

A closer look at the "C's" follows:

... and that completed our JG Audit in Venice and so we returned to the Venice garage, showered, changed and hit the road...

Just noticed this "bright guard" sunscreen dispenser for the first time this morning inside the Venice garage!  It works too and we lathered up before heading out...

Hey, look at the Corvette!

Swiftwater SW 70 vehicle below... Saw this vehicle on July 4th at Will Rogers Tower #8 in the morning responding to the "5150 at Will Rogers" which we recently blogged about...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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