Thursday, July 7, 2016

SMS 16: Recurrents A.M. Training + Dive Team Check Out/Training

Dateline: Thursday morning, July 7, 2016, Santa Monica Lifeguard HQ and SMS Tower #16... we showed up for an a.m. workout to find a handful of Ocean Lifeguards preparing to train (swimming, running, paddling, plus dory lessons) out front of SMS Tower #16, as well as the Dive Team preparing for a check out dive... fortunately, I had my camera with me..... so for those of you who like to be kept in the loop, here is some more entertainment for you, courtesy of "County Recurrent".

*** Video Alert ! ***

Dory Lessons: The Video

Below, Recurrents teaching recurrents how to row a dory...

Hey, whose bald head is that?!...  :-)

*** Video Alert ! ***

Dive Team Water Entry: The Video

 *** Video Alert ! ***

Dive Team Climbs Aboard Baywatch: The Video

*** Video Alert ! ***

Dive Team Heads Out To Sea Aboard Baywatch: The Video

... meanwhile the OL training continues on the hard pack below under the tutelage of veteran OL Drill Instructor, Ben Gottlieb, with (from L2R), in plank position, OL Rookie Zach Senator and veteran OL Charlie Patch...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Rookie Plank Position: The Video

and then we headed back to SMHQ and we came across OL Stephen Leon along the way on his way out to his shift today at SMS Tower #16...

After showering and changing into my business attire, I then realized I left my fins at Tower #16... so out I went to collect them.....  OL Stephen Leon had by this time opened Tower #16 and was watching the water like a hawk....

... and then we noticed the Baywatch returning with the dive team..... I forgot my fins but not my camera!... just sayin'.....

*** Video Alert ! ***

The Dive Team Returns: The Video

And then we really headed out and went to work at the office....

Have Fins Will Travel.....

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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