Sunday, July 3, 2016

Saturday At SMS Tower #28...

Dateline: Saturday, July 2, 2016... Fourth of July Weekend 2016... along Santa Monica South, featuring Towers #26, 27, 28 and 29... Here are the photos and videos...

inbound to SMS at approximately 10 a.m... an hour before my shift starts at SMS #28...

One family scores some treasured real estate at the top of the berm next to Tower #27 early in the morning!...

#AQUASURF on location at Tower #28...  Good people work here....

Coffee mug √ pre shift reconn of surf at SMS Tower #28... Early man/vet OL, Cooper Moeschler on a work out...

off duty workout and run to Tower #26...

Below, L2R, Capt. Eugene Atanasio, and OL Sebastian Wurvee

Beefcake alert!... Veteran OL Ben Gottlieb is working the shift at SMS Tower #26 for Chris Newman today and will be riding shotgun with OLS Mike Murphy, in background at vehicle

SMS Tower #26 crew setting up, watching the water and getting ready for a busy day...

and then we run back to Tower #28 to take a swim and along the way snag some photos of some boats passing by...

"Beast" Alert!...

This boat was both IMPRESSIVE and FAST!....

OL Cooper Moeschler's choice of #VIPER fins, at the ready, on deck at Tower #28...

 Time for that swim...

*** Video Alert ! ***

•  Video #1:  SMS Tower #28 In The Water

  •  Video #2:  SMS Tower #28 In The Water

•  Video #3:  SMS Tower #28 In The Water

... while I was swimming out I said hi to a surfer... and it turns out to be OL Michael Schwimer, off duty, catching some waves before his shift at Tower #27 at noon!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Michael Schwimer: The Surf Report

*** Video Alert ! ***

•  Gone Surfin': The Video

•  Inside A Rip Current: The Video 

... back on shore we notice OL Cooper Moeschler making preventions along the water line...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Watching The Water & Making Preventions: The Video

 *** Video Alert ! ***

Near Shore: The Video

Back at SMS Tower #28 after my off duty swim workout and GoPro camera session... Capt. Eugene Atanasio arrives with donuts for the SMS Crew!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Donut Vision: The Video    

Below, a very happy camper is veteran LACo OL, Michael Schwimer, having gone surfing and spying the box of donuts from at least a 100 yards away, surfs in, and runs up the beach and collects a free Glazed Donut!...

OL Schwimer, donut and surfboard in hand... happily walks to his tower (#27) to set up his traffic cones on the sand... and which he doesn't have to open for yet another hour...  sounds like another surf session is going to happen.....  he's going to be guessing the time, though, cuz he told us his 2 year old son recently took possession of his surf watch.....

Below, the views from the deck of SMS Tower #28 after my workout as I begin my shift...

After an on duty foot patrol early into my shift, I return to Tower #28 where I find OL Schwimer, off duty and still kicking it as it is not yet 12 noon, as well as, at right, OL Stephen Leon, who stopped by Tower #28 before heading down for his noon shift at SMS Tower #29...

Below, OL Schwimer, watching the water while standing on the railing at Tower #26 while backing up OLS Mike Murphy who is away in the area vehicle...

OL Cooper Moeschler, below just to the right of center of frame at the waterline on another foot patrol...

SMS Black Balled!...

No. 4 for the day...  burning calories like a deer being chased by a lion...

late afternoon and the crowd has only thinned a bit...

High Tide!... near 8 pm!...

closing time nearing...

OL Schwimer lowers his flag at Tower #27 at 8 pm...

It was a very busy and rewarding day with lots of rescues along SMS, as well as preventions and first aids.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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