Friday, March 25, 2016

Dockweiler and Manhattan Beach Drive By...

Dateline:  Good Friday, March 25, 2016

0800 hrs - 0900 hrs drive with my mom riding shotgun and taking in the sights along the coast from Pacific Palisades (Will Rogers √  Santa Monica √  Venice √  Marina Del Rey √), through PDR √, past Dockweiler √ and on to Manhattan Beach.....


El Porto!...

Recurrent Quiz:  Yes or No, is there a rip current visible in the photo below?...

we parked for a few minutes at 40th St. and took in the surf and beach activity...

and someone should do a bottom check and let us know exactly how big the inshore holes are to the left of the tower at 40th St.  It looks absolutely Ginormous out front of those three surfers on the berm at left below... just sayin'...

Stopped by the Training Center, said hi to OLS Eric Wylie in the parking lot...

we then continued on and scouted out several MB breakfast locations but alas no parking was available so we drove back to Santa Monica...

... return trip past Dockweiler...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News


p.s.  back in Central... on Montana Ave., in Santa Monica...

Kreation Cafe

Beverages √ ...   Coconut Milk Lattes...

and Top to bottom, Eggs Bene on toast, side of Neiman Ranch bacon, and a 6 egg white omelette...

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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