Saturday, March 26, 2016

Bill Mount Has Left The Building...

and is now officially retired and ready to surf daily at C Street!

Dateline: Saturday evening, March 26, 2016...

A crowd of friends, family and well wishers gathered earlier this evening at Will Rogers Lifeguard HQ to honor Bill Mount for all his years of service as an ocean lifeguard.

There he is, the man of the hour... working his last shift...

Meanwhile out front, one of our Baywatch rescue boat crews showed up to give Bill a proper celebratory send off!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Baywatch Farewell to OLS Bill Mount: The Video

And another highlight of the evening was the presentation of the Bronze Savage to Bill by Captain Tito Bourget on behalf of LACOLA honoring Bill for his many years of service as an LACo OL and OLS.

Congratulations to Bill !  Thank you for your example, inspiration, service and friendship.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video above by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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p.s.  Photos below by Harry Varnas and used here with his permission.

Hi Will,

Bill's favorite assignment is At Will Rogers North.   His truck is LG 272. 
So here a couple of shots of the truck and the event.

  What a long long fun career.

Harry Varnas

Many Thanks to Harry Varnas for sharing these photos with all of us! 

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