Thursday, March 24, 2016

Baker To Vegas 2016: L.A. County Lake Lifeguards...

Just in from "County Recurrent" Freelance Journalist/Media Relations Exec./Paddler/Ocean Lifeguard/USLA Competition Official/Volunteer Medic, etc. et al..., Adam Sandler:

Re:  LA County Lake Lifeguards race through the desert and kick some law enforcement butt!


Longtime readers of "County Recurrent" will recall that each year I volunteer as a medic for the “Baker To Vegas Challenge Cup Relay,” which was held this past weekend and where again the LA County Lake Lifeguards team battled against cops, sheriffs, FBI, DEA, ICE, CHP, USCG, IRS agents — and an enormous acronym-soup of law enforcement agencies — in a 120 mile race run through the desert from the tiny town of Baker (think the tall “Bun Boy” thermometer) to the neon lights of Las Vegas and the finish line in the ballroom of the Westgate Hotel. There also were teams from the NYPD, the RCMP (Mounties!) and the Belize National Police competing.

Held March 19-21st, it is called “the world’s most prestigious and unique foot race” by its organizers, the Los Angeles Police Revolver and Athletic Club — or LAPRAAC for short. (It is their LACoSLSA).

This year, the 32nd annual race saw 280 teams navigate the 120-mile race course which is broken into 20 stages. The legs vary from 4.5 miles, to the longest 10.7 mile leg. The course climbs from 450’ elevation at the start, to 5,750’ before it descends into Vegas. For example, the runner at Stage 14 starts at 4,100' feet and climbs to 5,750’!! OMG. My legs hurt just thinking about it.

So big kudos to LA County Lake Lifeguards team for coming in 5th place in their “Invitational” Category with an impressive time of 15:19:15, and landing 21st place overall in the entire race. Yes, 21st overall among all those ticket-writing, arrest-making, pepper-spraying, ballistic-vest wearing racing counterparts.

And before Gus Avila cries foul: Kudos should also go to the California State Parks Team (whose ranks include lifeguards and cops) for their time of 15:14:58, for a 2nd place finish in their category, and a 20th Place finish overall. Well done, sirs!

Full race results can be found here:…/FLOFFCat.pdf


Partial list of teams in category:

 Below, LA County Lake Lifeguards team taken at Stage 14 at 0220 hours Sunday, March 20:

l-r- Micah Bivens, Matt Safdeye, Sean Evans, Nick Djokic, Julie McMahon.

Micah just finished running 6.9 miles; Note: Sean is holding the warm up gear for the runner who just left to tackle a 10.7 mile run from an elevation of 4,100’ to 5,750’ — the race’s longest leg, and the toughest ALL UPHILL leg of the race!

Ambulances at the Westgate Hotel before heading to the race course to stage along the route.

Race Finish line (red and blue lights) taken at 0400 Sunday March 20 inside the huge ballroom of the Westgate Hotel. Also, the site of the race after party later that Sunday night.

Teams List:

And last but certainly not least...  

Here's the "Challenge Cup."

Actually, it's a ginormous Beer Stein given to the B2V runners after racing so it can be filled with a beverage of their choice at the Awards Ceremony held in the ballroom on Sunday night.


*** Many Thanks to Adam for taking the time to share this year's Baker to Vegas event with all of us! 


Until next time.....

 "County Recurrent" News

(All photos courtesy of Adam Sandler.  Story and remarks by Adam Sandler. Used here with permission.)

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