Tuesday, July 7, 2015

John Baltz Got A New Hat!... and other photos from SMS today...

Dateline: CSHQ/SMS mid day off duty workout, camera included... Tuesday, July 7, 2015.....

CSHQ Locker Room... This is reportedly a design by LACo OL, Hanna SVO (per OL, Michael Bateman --- 10-4) SMS t-shirt!  Also, shutter problems creating shadowing issues starting to happen.. it may be time to replace the Nikon Coolpix...

OL Brandon Leon of the "Leon Brothers", watching the water at SMS Tower #16...

It was just last Thursday, July 2nd, that we saw and reported Brandon's brother, OL Steve Leon, opening up the same tower (see below):


And then it was onto SMS Tower #17, where it sure looks like OL John Baltz got one of the new Columbia branded wide brimmed hats!... and he's got the hang tags to prove it.....  

Above and below, another surfer meets stingray incident... this time at SMS Tower #18 and once again OL-EMT Cooper is on it!... along with Capt. Kastner and OLS Charlie Piccaro.  I asked the surfer, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being excruciating... and he said "1".  Total stud with a high pain tolerance... maybe Harold Dunnigan can recruit him to the Navy Seals.  And it was this surfer's second run in with a stingray so he's been there and done that.

Also, FYI: if you were wondering about the genesis of the yellow "rotisserie chicken safe" Stingray First Aid Bag... We were told by an unnamed source that this stingray bag was from the Annenberg Beach House! We have since been informed (thanks to Capt. Jay Butki) that the ultimate underlying source of this product may, in fact, be from the online business known as "Original Watermen" and here is the link to their website and this product:


After stingray action report and pow wow by our lifeguard staff at SMS Tower #18.

OL Taylor Manuel labor and beefcake shot... sorry no close up, boys and girls...

OL John Cullen, watching the water at Tower #22.  First time I've seen him in a jacket!  It was a tad chilly, though...

Back at CSHQ, look who showed up and made me think they need to increase the size of the door frame!... The man, the myth, the electric... Bob Kilroy, D.C.  I swear he has gotten taller and Section Chief Charlie Kissel says he got at least a 9 volt charge out of shaking Bob's hand too!

Kilroy was here too!...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

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