Thursday, July 9, 2015

CSHQ, SMS and JG's... July 9, 2015

Thursday, July 9, 2015, we stopped by CSHQ for a workout and ended up getting some real good photo opportunities from a bunch of lifeguards!... and a workout too...

Dr. Peoples, I presume... off duty

Dr. Peoples gets a congratulatory hug on earning his Phd from OLS Rebecca Gilman!...

Capt. Sean Lemm, on TX time, on duty!... and heading to Santa Monica North for the day.

Meanwhile, upstairs... Captain McIlroy and OLS Beer...

Capt. John Greger

A bunch of Permanents!... L2R, (seated) Capt. Mike McIlroy, Capt. Kirk Thomas (aka, KT), Capt. John Greger, and OLS Brandon Beer

Hey Newman!...  Veteran LACo OL-EMT, Chris Newman in the SMS area vehicle arriving at CSHQ to pick up OLS Rebecca Gilman...

Some say KT walks on water, and they are pretty close to being correct...

KT up top, at left; and OL Chris Newman below with supplies for SMS.


Building swell along SMS!...

OL Kevin Williamson at SMS Tower #20 bringing up the bucket of water to his tower as he prepares for his shift today...

Surf Camp at SMS Tower #28 with the neon green rescue can in the sand...

LACo-Santa Monica JG's just south of SMS Tower #28, with B Group Instructors Bob Valandra and Chad Carvin...

JG C's vs. A's dodge ball game in progress below... this was after a long body surf session for both the C's and the B's in some challenging-building surf off of SMS Tower #28.  There were some 7 - 8 foot faces on some of the set waves.  The C's got some good instruction and had plenty of supervision from LACO OL-JG Instructors, Dave Carpenter, Lacey Beattie, and George Severino (sp?).  We were out there with them with DaFins on.

On our way back to CSHQ we saw OL Kevin Williamson on a run during his workout out of Tower #20...

Surfs up!... Got Fins?!...  OLS Jay Hopkins does!...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

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