Sunday, July 5, 2015

July 4, 2015: Santa Monica South...

 Bam!...  July 4th... here and gone.....

Here's a bit of what it looked like from morning to evening from Ocean Park.....

0930 hrs... surfer meets stingray at Tower #25...

*** Video Alert ! ***

 Toyota Tacoma: "In The Field & On The Sand": The Video

The Official Stringray Hot Water Bag...

Hmmm... this is what I found on the counter when I opened up Tower #27 at 1000 hrs... the message here is:  bring your "A" game and glove up!... and when you get tired, drink the Red Bull!  :-)

Coast Guard fly by... no look lucky overhead shot... adjusted and edited

 *** Video Alert ! ***

Fourth of July 2015: The Video


... and sometimes IT IS the size of the ship...

and you gotta love this guy's transportation choice and commute...

and before we knew it... it was time to start shutting it all down at 8 pm...

The SMS OLS on the final area patrol of the day..... with an OL-EMT riding shotgun...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2015.)

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