Monday, September 1, 2014

"Photos: Tour de Central, Aug. 12, 2014", by Harry Varnas

Just in from Veteran OLS, Harry Varnas!

From:     Harry Varnas
Subject:     Photos Tour de Central (Aug. 12, 2014)
Date:     August 31, 2014
To:     Will Maguire

Before the big surf hit,  a brave group of lifeguards met at 6am to race.  The events called the Tour De Central.

Its a grueling run swim run from Venice beach to Will Rogers.  Scott Deboer put the event together and placed third.

The event took place on Tuesday Aug 12, 2014.

2014 Tour de Central
1     Nick Sullivan         1:11.12
2      Wadley                  1:11.50
3     Scott De Boer        1:17.35
4     Sebastian Garcia   1:21.45
5     Paul Silka               1:22.24
6     Adam Moine            1:23.35
7     Eric Waizengger     1:24.15
8     Brandon Leon         1:24.48
9     Steven Leon           1:24.50
10 Matt Wu                  1:26.15
11 Hyacinthe Mercier 1:26.45
12 David Delear           1:29.00
13 Romy Ancona         1:30.10
14 Erica Bender           1:30.40
15   Chris Newman      1:34.30
16 Toby Contarsy        1:35.20
17 Jason Brooks          1:35.28
18 Manuk Hakobyan    1:35.30
19 Bengi Garcia           1:37.50
20 Tyler Contarsy        1:39.29
21 Katya Shatalova     1:39.30

*** Thanks Harry ! ***   We really appreciate you sharing your comments and photos with all of our readership!  Congratulations to all these fit lifeguards as well!

(All photos by & Copyright Harry Varnas 2014. Used here with permission.)


Extra Credit Commentary from 2014 Tour de Central Champion, OL Nick Sullivan, who responded to our request to say a few words about the race and event:

"Thanks for asking Will.  I have done the race for the last 7 years running and have a blast every year as you can see in the third photo which is of me.

Got to thank Paul Silka and the big bad "the Deboer" for putting the race on these last years. Good time had by all with free breakfast after care of the PLF and Marina del Rey Hospital so hopefully next year we can get more participants.  It is not too bad a trip and great for team building.

How about you next year Will?"

Nick Sullivan


x-ref: See our 2010 blog post regarding this same event for more information about the course, etc.:


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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