Wednesday, August 27, 2014

THE RAGING SURF AT ZUMA this afternoon... by OL Steve Hotchkiss

Check out the surf this afternoon at Zuma!  Just in from veteran Zuma OL, Steve Hotchkiss.

    From:     Steve Hotchkiss
    Subject:     Zuma T-1  8/27/14  PM  2 surfers out.
    Date:     August 27, 2014 4:22:53 PM PDT
    To:     Will Maguire

Hi Will, 

Thought I would share a few more shots from this afternoon

Steve Hotchkiss

Zuma Captain Standing by...

Out to back up PDC-5 and 4...

*** Thanks Steve!  Epic shots! ***

(All photos by & Copyright Steve Hotchkiss 2014. Used here with permission.)

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

***   ***   ***

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