Wednesday, August 27, 2014

"ZUMA: Big Wednesday 2014", by Adam Sandler

Dateline: Wed., August 27, 2014, aka, "Big Wednesday"

"ZUMA: Big Wednesday 2014", by Adam Sandler

"Typical Zuma Set Wave", Wed., Aug. 27, 2014
Took some pics this morning during high tide at Zuma while on a run.

LA County Fire bulldozers at the ready in case more berm building is needed -- like the one protecting the Zuma HQ (second pic). The Sheriff Dept. Command Post (third pic) is open for business and ready to manage the crowds who disobey the "No Swimming" sign. The Dozer operators (fourth pic) watch the waves break just north of the HQ. I think I heard one of them ask "I've heard that you can turn a lifeguard into a fireman, but you can't turn a fireman into a lifeguard?" 

Temporary Tower 7 and Tower 6 respectively at Zuma.

A lone surfer waits for a rideable wave off Zuma Tower 8.

Typical set of waves today at Zuma.....   (editor's note:  Woo Hoo!...)

Meanwhile...  Crowds watch the action off Westward Road at Zuma. A surfer gets covered up on one of the waves from a bigger set. 

*** Many Thanks to Adam Sandler for keeping us all in the loop about Big Wednesday 2014 at Zuma!  ***

(All photos by & Copyright Adam Sandler 2014.  Used here with permission).


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

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