Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August Days Of Summer...

August!... the Lion of Summer!  It's Here.  It's Been Brought!  Get Out There!  And we are in the eyeballs of a heat wave too!  Temps in the valley this week thru the weekend are in the triple digits with Temps on the beach around 80 degrees Fahrenheit  (or "F"!).  Yeah, really!...

So to celebrate this Epic Month of Summer, we are bringing you a photo gallery of shots from, when else?!...,  August 2012 So Far!...  Enjoy! 
"Aussies in August!"...  The Wieland Shield - Victoria Surf Lifesaving Competition Team at the LACo Lfieguard 2012 Medal of Valor Dinner, Aug. 2nd.

Thank you, Kevin Barry!... for your catering and event management at the 2012 Medal of Valor Dinner and for your staff selection...
Speaking of August... Veteran LACo Recurrent (Ret.), Jim Graham and his lovely wife at the recent 2012 Medal of Valor Dinner at Seaside Lagoon in Redondo Beach on Aug. 2nd.
The 2012 Venice Championship Intracrew Relay Team Photo. Courtesy of Dave Carpenter.

Venice Intracrew Team Member, OL Chris Newman (aka, son of Newmie)
True Story. Will Rogers Tower #15, Sat., Aug. 4, 2012: The Pizza Guy said the order for 8 pizzas said to deliver it to Tower #15...  X-Ref: "On Duty Pizza".  I redirected the pizzas to the 7 year olds birthday party just adjacent to the tower...

Krispy Kreme Donut courtesy of the 7 year old birthday boy's mom.

"Striking A Pose!"... OL Andrew Czer (Caesar)

2012 Central Section A Team Taplin Relay Champions

Las Tunas Fly By, Aug. 5th

USCG Helicopter Fly By: Fisheye View

Las Tunas @ Sunset...

"LACo Lifeguard Beefcake".  L2R: OLS Eric Wylie and OL Bob Valandra, at SMS Tower #26, Aug. 6th.

OL Ivan Rodriguez "watching the water" at SMS Tower #22, Aug. 2nd.

Just another low tide Sunset along SMS.... Aug. 2nd.
 That's August so far....

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

Service • Training • Commitment

*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***

County Recurrent is not affiliated with nor sponsored by LACOLA or LACoFD.

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