Monday, August 6, 2012

Inter vs. Intra: The Debate, The Logic... by Adam Sandler

From:     Adam Sandler
Subject:     Intra vs. Inter
 Date:     August 6, 2012 2:37:25 PM PDT
Kudos to Venice for their win in The Bud Stevenson Intracrew Medley Relay.

But I wish we could all agree on whether it's Intracrew or Intercrew.

The good (and wise) folks at ISF call it the "Intracrew" on all their literature, and I've seen it both ways on LACoLA and LACoFD missives. And a perusal of Google results will show it inconsistently interchanging between the two ways. Or should that be intrachanging between the two ways?

However, for those History Majors and Cardiac Surgeons among us:

If it's competition among just the different sections, it should be Intercrew.

But, if guards from Central are also competing against other guards from Central, then its Intracrew.

For example, if there are Venice and Santa Monica teams competing, then technically the whole damn thing is Intracrew. And if there are A and B teams from Venice and Santa Monica competing, then it's Intracrew -- carved in stone. So Maguire: Change your headline!

I'm just sayin'.


Media guy/Paddler/Lifeguard

Adam Sandler, at right, explaining Inter vs. Intra to LACo Veteran OL, Eldin Onsgard

LOL!  10-4, Adam!  This is a debate that will, no doubt, continue to rage!  There will hopefully be some 'comments' following this posting as well.

And this Plaque below is of absolutely no help with respect to this burning debate except that it is unequivocally clear that it is for the 3rd place finish of our Santa Monica Taplin Relay team in 1983... no bell got rung that night except when Kenner Snyder tried to hit on another lifeguard's date...  just sayin'...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News
Las Tunas Sunset". Photo by & Copyright Will Maguire 2012.

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