Thursday, August 9, 2012

More Holes and Ankle Breakers! Be Careful Out There!

This morning in a walk along Santa Monica South I came upon an absolutely ENORMOUS hole in the sand that had been dug above the high tide line the previous day/evening.  A bit further along I came across a classic ankle breaker in the sand along the top of the berm that could easily be missed by someone walking on the beach.  Have a look at the photos of these two man and shovel dug traps!
This sucker was 3 - 4 feet deep and across! 

Ankle breaker, aka tunnel

Be careful out there!   

The bigger hole would have swallowed the front end of one of our beach vehicles!  And yes, I filled it in... the ankle breaker too.


And then there was this grocery bag and empty "Forty" (40 oz Miller Genuine Draft (MGD) bottle) under the pier. Honestly!  It was not mine!   I carried it on over to SMS #16 and had to convince OLS Pat O'Neill, just in from a dory workout, that it was not mine and I was just trying to get to the trash can to throw it away. 

And if you are all waiting for the other shoe to drop, don't hold your breath cuz I think Davey Jones has got it!...


Until next time.....

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