(The photo above features Warren Snyder and is courtesy of Scott Hubbell.)
Friday, March 12, 2010
Just in from Scott Hubbell, is the following Tribute that Scott has kindly allowed us to publish:
Warren (Mr. Snyder) is an un-sung hero.
WWII veteran, History teacher and mentor to dozens of Ocean Lifeguards. He dedicated his life to raising his family and to keeping all of us in line, SO WE WOULD NOT "END UP SITTING IN A BAR SOMEPLACE"
His wife Kay was the first person I remember to make me feel part of the gang at Reseda Park pool. As a 10 year old "pool rat", it was the first step in my aquatic competition career and is a cornerstone on what I have tried to keep going as my contribution. It all started for me because of the Snyder family and Warren's benchmark!
He was a man to measure our Americana ethics by!
I am proud and grateful to be associated with his family. I celebrate his life and pay tribute to his impact on me and the rest of us who had the privilege to have him as a mentor. His legacy runs deep to the thousands of students and aquatic beings that his work has touched.
He will certainly be saluted by the warriors at the head table as he passes Valhalla on his journey to join his family and loved ones on the other side.
Scott Hubbell
Wed., March 10, 2010
Just in off the wire from recurrent guard, Randy Steigely:
From: trialice@earthlink.net (Randy Steigely)
Subject: passing of warren snyder
Date: March 10, 2010 11:58:56 AM PST
"will, fyi and probably should post blog....
Father of three laco beach lifeguards and two nephews, Steve, Tom, Kenner, Barry, and Scotty Snyder....5 lifeguards !
Warren was a L.A. City Rec and Parks Aquatic Supervisor for all us young locker attendants at the park pools during summer.... "we the reseda regents, we were true lovers of the night" fight song omit...
steve snyder, tom snyder, ken snyder, randy steigely, steve contarsey
norm shrifren, scott hubbell, tim mooney, john narz, jvd john van dynwick.
Warren and wife Kay are wonderful....and could always kick our butts at tennis and ping pong....
The Memorial Service is Friday, March 12th at 1pm at St. Mel's in Woodland Hills.
St Mel Catholic Church
20870 Ventura Boulevard
Woodland Hills, CA 91364-2396
(818) 340-6020
Eldin and Jan will be attending....among others...
aloha, randy"
(Photo above shows Randy Steigley, in Kailua-Kona, November 2008)
*** For more information, please contact Steve Snyder's wife, Anne at: snydercsr@aol.com or Jan Onsgard at: seejanrun@aol.com
*** *** ***
"County Recurrent" extends its condolences and sympathies to the Snyder family and to their friends and loved ones. Can any of us imagine life without the Snyder brothers? We take this time now to reflect upon, acknowledge and celebrate the love and nurturing that the Snyder brothers enjoyed with their parents, Warren and Kay. We all celebrate Warren's life and legacy. As a testament to Warren's life, we leave you with several photographs from our photo archive of some classic photos of the Snyder brothers, surrounded by their lifeguard friends and colleagues over the years.
(Photo above shows Tom Snyder, at right, getting ready for the Taplin 2009,
with Greg Pfeiffer and Mike Newman)
(Photo above shows Tom Snyder rehydrating after the Taplin this past summer)
(Photo above shows Steve Snyder, at left with Gene Rink, both Zuma recurrents)
(Photo above shows Steve Snyder, at left, with fellow recurrent, Richard Mark)

(Photo above shows Steve, at right, with Larry Raffaeli, sporting his custom black ball aloha shirt)
(Photo above and below shows the imitable Kenner Snyder in blue t-shirt yamming and hamming it up with Mike and Sarah Newman and Will Maguire, circa late 80's at the Newman household at a lifeguard bbq)
(The above photo, a double exposure... in the days of 'film' before the advent of digital photography and which reveals the fun loving Kenner Snyder double exposed and present in both frames with Greg Bonann and Kim Carlsberg)
***** ***** *****
Our thoughts and prayers are with all the Snyder family, friends and loved ones.
Until next time.....
"County Recurrent" News
Well please pass along my regards and best to the family. Warren, for many years, taught at Taft though he lived in the, and his kids attended, Reseda High. I have an interesting affinity in that i had to attend both schools in the early 60s, taking classes from Warren at Taft, and then swimming with Steve at Reseda. They were a genuine family, with deep roots in community and in the schools. He will be missed.
hope all is well with Kenner and see this message and contact me, I'm his friend here in Brazil
A big hug from Brazilian friend
Marco Ripper
I was Kenner's Nurse Assistant, C.N.A., as of late. Such an amazing guy! And he could teach US all on about everthing! ��
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