the Winners of The Second Annual Squeegee Awards (drum roll please.....)
I. The Gold Squeegee
First Place, aka, "The Gold Squeegee" for the Best Blog Post is a TIE ! That's right, folks ! It was a back and forth tug of war but in the end it was both Bill Powers and Cal Porter in a dead heat and so we must split the squeegee, as it were.
For your convenience, here are the two winning blog posts that share this year's "Gold Squeegee" Award:
• "Memories Of The North Shore", by Bill Powers. Published on March 9, 2009:
• "A Sojourn In The South Bay", by Cal Porter. Published Feb.10, 2010:
Congratulations to both Bill and Cal !
Bill has been retired for six or seven years or so and lives year round in Mammoth Lakes, Calif. where he has had a home for many years. Most people know Bill as a former Zuma S.O.L/OLS and Call Car Dude. According to Jimmy Doman, Powers was also the Recreational Director at Zuma during his years there. When permanent personnel would be assigned to Zuma they would be told to check in first at Headquarters regarding their assignment and then to speak to Powers who would discuss with them the recreational choices and opportunities available while off duty, both on and off the beach.
Cal, of course, was the winner of the Inaugural Gold Squeegee Award this past year and his repeat performance this year is now the stuff of legends. But Heck!... there is no surprise there! After all, Cal Porter's stories rock! Rumor has it that Buddy Bohn and Gary Crum are still busy trying to work out the gps coordinates for the location of where Cal found all those lobsters "back in the day".
II. The Silver Squeegee, for the runner up blog post of the year.
The "Silver Squeegee" goes to Mike Murphy for his blog post on the 2010 Wieland-Shield Tour Down Under:
• "Wieland Shield 2010...Win, Lose, or Draw?" by Mike Murphy
Congratulations, Mike ! Please keep contributing to our blog.
III. The Blue Squeegee
In the PHOTO Category, the Winner of This Year's BLUE SQUEEGEE is none other than Kevin Curtis for his Classic Sunset/Tower Photo, below.

Congratulations, Kevin ! Keep shootin'.
Close behind Kevin, in a very close race, is Northern Section's Steve Hotchkiss' photo of Broad Beach, shown again below.

"County Recurrent" News would like to thank everyone who participated in this year's Squeegee Awards. Thank you for your nominations and thank you for your votes. And last but not least, thank you for your enthusiasm, support and contributions of stories and photos. We cannot tell your stories without your help!
Until next time.....
"County Recurrent" News
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*** Keeping the County Recurrent "in the loop"..... whether he/she likes it or NOT ! ***
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