(Photo above: "Chileans inspect the damage caused by the 8.8-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami along the coast near Concepcion on February 28, 2010. Chile's quake toll topped 700 as rescuers searched for survivors and the extent of the disaster became clear in coastal areas where giant waves swept away homes, even as the government apologized for failing to issue a tsunami alert. (Source: AFP)"
( x-ref: Chilean Earthquake photos/link: http://mashable.com/2010/02/27/chile-earthquake-twitpics/ )

(Map above locates the deadly earthquakes over the past year; includes map of plate tectonics and major earthquakes from past week. (Source: AP).
The devastating 8.8 Earthquake in Chile in South America early Saturday, Feb. 27, 2010 created both localized Tsunami conditions along the Chilean coast, as well as Tidal flooding as far away as northern Japan and discernible tidal activity in San Diego County, Orange County and L.A. County.

(Graphic above shows the "Tsunami Wave Amplitude" caused by the Chilean Earthquake. Courtesy of Angus Alexander.)
*** Check out this YouTube Video that LACo Recurrent Steve Hotchkiss posted us about this morning. Thanks Steve ! ***
"Tsunami Effects Hit Dana Point":
On Monday, March 1, 2010, Capt. Angus Alexander of the Lifeguard Division of the L.A. County Fire Dept. stated, "We saw the tidal flux and rocks exposed. There was a 'tidal bore' at the harbor entrance and unusual currents. We used the Advisory as a drill and staged units on high ground and did radio and phone checks." (Per Angus, please also note that "A 'tidal bore' is a standing wave that is caused by water rushing out of (the MDR) harbor and meeting the ocean creating a wave at the harbor entrance. It looked more like a big rip tide current hooking and swirling around the detached breakwater than a wave.")
As reported in a Daily Breeze article entitled,
"Tsunami Threats Curtails Activity in Local Waters",
By Josh Grossberg and Art Marroquin, Staff Writers
Posted: 02/27/2010
"Although the threat of tsunami waves hitting South Bay beaches never materialized Saturday, local authorities worked to make sure that beach-side residents were safe from harm.
Port of Los Angeles Police kept watch over Cabrillo Beach in San Pedro. And while they didn't ban people from going to the shore, they did warn them about the possible risk they could encounter.
"It's the prudent thing to do," said Sgt. Mike Alva of the port police.
At the nearby lifeguard tower, Capt. Tim McNulty kept a keen eye on the waves crashing below.
"We're looking for any signs," he said. "We advised people to stay away from the beach and out of the water."
Complete article/link: http://www.dailybreeze.com/news/ci_14486667?source=rss
Also, as reported in the Del Mar Times, in an article entitled,
"Unusual Tidal Activity Reported On Two La Jolla Beaches"
Feb 27, 2010
By City News Service

(Source: Del Mar Times)
Del Mar Times Link: http://bit.ly/b1dtuC
"The spectre of large tsunami waves hitting Southern California seemed to be a washout, but lifeguards in San Diego said they spotted unusual tidal activities at two La Jolla beaches.
"It wasn't dangerous, but the water went out lower than an especially low tide and came back in," said San Diego lifeguard Lt. John Everhart. "That was definitely a tsunami event."
Everhart said the tidal surge was seen around the La Jolla reef and Birdrock area. The guard who witnessed it said the tide flowed out to a minus 2-foot depth and returned to a 4-foot tide level.
"Normally what would take five hours took 10 to 15 minutes," Everhart said."
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