Sunday, October 22, 2017

Will Rogers Overwatch - Sunday Afternoon, October 22, 2017

It's been awhile since our last Reconn. blog post from the bluffs above Will Rogers and we know that some of our So. Section colleagues must be jonesing for another Will Rogers post... so here ya go...

Late Afternoon, at and after 5:30 pm...

Shuttered Will Rogers Tower 15, below...

"State Beach" at Tower 18, below...

Santa Monica North, below...

 Fill in the blanks:  The World Famous _____  ______ Pier

Will Rogers Lifeguard HQ, below...

Will Rogers Tower 8, below, at PCH and Temescal Canyon Road...

Lots of surfers out at "Sunset" above and below...

Malibu showing itself off in the atmospheric distance above and below...

Pt. Dume!  x-ref:  Hey JAKE!

Close up on WR Tower #8, below...

Catalina above and below...

PV above and below...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Santa Monica Bay at 5:45 pm: The Video


Last but not least...

Trick or Treat:  Just because... it's almost Halloween!...


"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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