Sunday, October 22, 2017


Say hello to "Delilah"!...  That's the nickname that OL Jason Masho gave to his Mitsubishi Delica 4WD van, shown in the photo above.


Dateline: El Segundo, Calif.  Main St. USA.  Saturday, October 21, 2017 in the late morning... after the conclusion of the 2017 LACoFD Lifeguard Division Rookie Swim Test nearby at Dockweiler State Beach where LACo OL Jason Masho was part of the OL Ocean Rescue Team providing safety coverage during the event.  In fact, just before I left the beach, he was driving one of the area vehicles filled with event staff back to the staff parking lot (see photos below)...

I bumped into Jason at TWO GUNS ESPRESSO in Gundo. Seems we both had a hankering for some caffeine after the Rookie Swim...

Jason with a healthy meal choice to go with his coffee!...

Jason mentioned his new wheels and offered to give me a tour of his mobile adventure vehicle...  Here are the photos:

Above and below, 24/7 refrigerator!...

Battery and air compressor too!...

Interior... including surfboards and a neck tie!...

Map of Baja √

Wow!  Check out the USLA 21st Century windshield sunscreen that is darn near impossible to fold up unless you are able to solve a Rubik's Cube...

Battery Power Monitor √

Custom flooring installed by Jason and his Dad!  Well done!  He might need to fold a few items, however...  :-)

Right Hand Drive!  Really!

With the right hand drive, however, it's sure a lot safer to exit directly onto the sidewalk when parallel parking...

and there goes Jason heading north on Main St. on his way back to the beach...

Not far behind, I headed in the same direction bound for that donut shop at Imperial and Main...

And darned if I don't spot Delilah parked outside that donut shop!... Below, Jason, outside LUCKY'S DONUTS at Main St. and Imperial Ave... (with a donut in his left hand off camera) talking to LACo OL Chris Day on the telephone...

Lifeguard Trivia:  Did you know that Jason, Chris and Charlie Patch were all Santa Barbara City beach lifeguards before becoming LACo Ocean Lifeguards?!... #truestory

... and there he goes to catch some waves, we think, at that sand bar that's developed off Dockweiler that is a secret... so don't tell anyone!.....

*** Many Thanks to Jason for taking us all on a tour of his Baja Ready 4WD, aka Delilah!... She's a beauty!  ***


p.s.  get the Tiger Tail donut at LUCKY'S DONUTS. It's a monster and only $1.75. It's basically a ginormous glazed donut with chocolate and peanut butter!  x-ref: #gnarly #woohoo #justsayin

Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(note: All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.  Delilah, however, is the property of Jason Masho.)

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