Sunday, August 13, 2017

Will Rogers • Santa Monica North • Santa Monica South: Sunday, August 13, 2017

Bam!...  Three Areas in One Blog Post!  Grab some popcorn!...

Dateline: Sunday morning to early afternoon, August 13, 2017.  This report begins at WRHQ and continues as I walked along the shoreline to Ocean Park at SMS Tower #26, followed by a buoy swim, a nap, a lifeguard special at Perry's Cafe, and a walk back to WRHQ... 0900 - 1400 hrs √

"Checking the oil"... OL Ingacio busy on the area unit check up list at 0900 hrs, approx., at WRHQ...

WILSON!!!.... er, I mean,  SPAULDING!...

Lights and siren √

It's a whole new BALL GAME (apparently!)...   :-)

Area patrol √

Flip turn at WR #18 √

9:12 a.m., empty bottle of MODELO® observed near the water's edge... UNCOLLECTED, of course, by LACDBH which does not, in fact, have its staff walk near the water's edge on a daily basis to hand pick up #beachtrash that its tractors do not reach...

WR Tower #18, below, has some grafitti damage...

Above and below, the famed BEACH CLUB... marking our entry into the City of Santa Monica along Santa Monica North...

Plastic #beachtrash near the water's edge uncollected by the City of Santa Monica which also does not daily clean up #beachtrash near the water's edge...

Above, OL Zach Zerbe setting up his cones at SMN Tower #4.

Below, Zach filling up his foot bucket!... This guy is so on it!...

A discarded cheap illegal vendor sold nylon covered styrofoam body board is observed below the high tide line and remains UNCOLLECTED by the City of Santa Monica due to its apathetic approach to #beachtrash collection.  Just calling it as I see it (over and over and over....), folks!...

Above and below, the City of Santa Monica also does a wonderful job (not!) of maintaining the fencing surrounding the Snowy Plower protection area...

SMN Tower #8, below...

On duty at SMN 9  √

Heard em before I could see em...  a USCG Helicopter appears in my telephoto lens below...

Below, Sunday SUP Session √

And setting up his cones at SMN9 is none other than veteran LACo OL Jack Baghumian...

Looking back at SMN Tower #8 above and below...

Below, two photos that you will NOT see promoted by the City of Santa Monica in its social media posts... (a) multiple empty aluminum cans of MODELO® beer AND (b) an empty discarded bottle of MODELO® beer is observed right out in front of the Wilshire One building at the top of the bluffs!...

The City of Santa Monica is so lazy that it apparently does not have even one employee to walk the beach and/or otherwise check the water's edge for #beachtrash on a daily basis.

This is the beach you do NOT want to bring your family to if you do not want them exposed to lots of #beachtrash near the water's edge.

10:08 a.m. on a Sunday morning at Santa Monica State Beach!...

Meanwhile, as I continue on down the beach, I arrive at SMN12...

Above and below, 4th year LACo OL, Jackson Hauty, on duty at SMN 12 but still showing his SMS loyalty!...

... and Jackson is busy making preventions just a short time later...

Below, a mystery hooded OL at SMN 11 observed in the background of the shot above...

Above and below, looks like something is happening at SMN6!...

Meanwhile, reaching SMN15, I notice the man, the myth, the legend, Veteran LACo OL George Hale. I told him about all the #beachtrash I had observed and he said he spent nearly an hour after opening SMN15 this morning picking up #beachtrash near the water's edge. He told me "you wouldn't believe" how much #beachtrash there was!... Actually, I would, unfortunately.

Above and below, at SMN1550, I observed the OL on duty there picking up #beachtrash in his coned vehicle access area...

The failure of the City of Santa Monica to do ANY collection of #beachtrash near the water's edge is unacceptable!  Now our lifeguards are having to spend additional time to do this when it is supposed to be the City of Santa Monica.  The City of Santa Monica, after all, gets to collect all the revenues from the beach parking lots in the City of Santa Monica.

On to the south side... at SMS 16, on duty, is rookie OL, Serafina King...

Below, at SMS18, sweeping the deck and ramp is rookie OL, Molly Garcia...

She's got skills!... Maintaining focus on the water to the right and left while sweeping the ramp!...

Yuck!... more plastic debris at water's edge uncollected by the City of Santa Monica due to the fact that the City does not do it at all on a daily basis!...

Busy day of beach volleyball behind SMS 24 and adjacent to 2400 Ocean Front Walk...

 At SMS26 below, on deck are two LACo JG Cadets!

Below, veteran LACo OL, Charlie Patch, drying off after his workout √

JG Cadet fins and rescue cans at the bottom of the ramp at SMS26...

Charlie Patch, below, talks to the two cadets after they return to shore after making two rescues!...
PLUS a cameo by (newly promoted) OLS, Dan Truax, at right, running on his workout!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Charlie Patch & The Cadets: The Video
Below, Two, count em, two Baywatch rescue boats tied up at the buoy at SMS 26...

Below, rookie OL, Ryan Keith, on a foot patrol out of SMS26...

The view from Perry's Beach Cafe, 2400 Ocean Front Walk...

Back to Santa Monica North... Below, a view from the boardwalk of SMN13...

Back to the berm between SMN12 and SMN11, the same #beachtrash observed at 10 a.m. is still there at 1:35 pm!... No surprise there given that the City of Santa Monica does NOT daily clean up the #beachtrash near the water's edge where most beach patrons congregate.....

Above and below, SMN8, with OL Chase Brouwer at the bottom of the ramp talking to a lady who wants to take his photo apparently...

Back at Will Rogers Tower #15 where there are a lot of people now gathered for the beach volleyball tournament with the GIANT INFLATABLE "SPAULDING" volleyball!...

Above and below, veteran LACo OL, Robert Schallert, on a foot patrol out of SMN15...

and then I hit the road to beat the afternoon traffic and grabbed this "no look" drive by shot of the
vb tourney with the GIANT "SPAULDING" volleyball!...  :-)


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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