Saturday, August 12, 2017

SMS and Venice Reconn: Saturday, August 12, 2017

 *** Could that be Omar Sharif above with the binoculars in hand?... at the Venice Breakwater (with a cameo by "on a workout" veteran OL Shota Guterres on the deck of the tower in orange board shorts?!...)

Dateline: After 10 a.m., Saturday, August 12, 2017. I started this morning at SMS Tower #24 and worked my way along the shoreline down to Avenue 26 in Venice... Here are the photos for your enjoyment:

"Surfin' like an Egyptian"... while on a workout at the Breakwater...

Workout completed below √

Below, workout underway at Ave 21 √

 On a foot patrol, below, is the OL working Ave 26...

... and this guy below is beating a path to the ocean across the hot sand and is apparently ready to carve it up!...

Using his binoculars at Ave 26... well trained is this young OL!...

Below: Hey?!... do you think these two know each other?!...

I guess so!...   (x-ref: #getaroom)...

Meanwhile, the guard at Ave 26 is getting plenty of exercise...

After a body surf session with retired Capt. Angus Alexander and a quick nap, it was time to motor on back toward SMS..... via the famed Venice Boardwalk.....

Reconn only... no pizza purchase!...  (x-ref: full disclosure)

I did, however, hit up ZELDA'S for the mini donuts and a cup of coffee...

The Rainbow themed lifeguard tower, below, in the distance at Brooks Ave. with a cameo by a USCG Helicopter...

Back at SMS!...  Tower #26 at Ocean Park, below...

Above and below, SMS25, with a Baywatch Santa Monica drive by...

Above and below, SMS Tower #24...

The "Lifeguard Special"... at Perry's Cafe at 2400 Ocean Front Walk...

Below, 3 parting shots of SMS Tower #22...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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