Saturday, March 11, 2017


Dateline: Saturday, March 11, 2017... the morning began with blue skies and warm temps... and then by 11:20 a.m., approximately, it all went to heck..... when a major league Fog Bank rolled in and which stuck around until the evening.....

Here are the photos and videos to prove it...

And lo and behold, standing by a working a extra hour at SMS Tower #26 after finishing up his 24 hour shift at CSHQ is none other than Veteran LACoFD OLS, Jay Hopkins!...

And below, in the distance that sure looks like veteran LACoFD OL, Vic Navarro, who is also currently in the LACoFD Firefighter Academy and is set to graduate on March 24, 2017!... the academy started on Nov. 12, 2016.....

*** Video Alert ! ***

Firefighter Off Duty: The Video

And then I headed down to SMS Tower #20... and just in time to see Veteran OL, Joe Decker, heading home and off duty!...  Hey Joe, where you goin' with that fun in your hand?...

At approx. 11:10 a.m., a fog bank started to roll in QUICKLY!... as seen below in a series of photos taken at Tower #20 at Bay St...

Below, Tower #24 no longer visible...

Below, the Santa Monica Pier is also no longer visible...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Fog Bank: The Video

A short time later, below, a familiar face approaches Tower #20 with body board  and fins... Who could it be?!...

It's Santa Monica Local/Veteran Santa Monica City & LACo OL (Ret.), Kurt Ando!...

And then 5:30 pm rolled around and heading in to work Tower #20 for the last hour after closing up Tower #24 is none other than veteran LACo OL, Jack Baghakian...

Below, LR200 on a run to the Venice Breakwater for a sailboat too close to shore... only to have the call cancelled shortly thereafter.... just before 5:30 pm.....


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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