Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Dateline: Tuesday morning just after 9 a.m. at Santa Monica North Tower #8 (aka, SMN8)... our mission began at SMN8 with our goal today to walk to the pier and back...


And that is none other than OLS Ian Christensen at the wheel of this LACoFD Lifeguard vehicle above and below, as he patrols SMN until the area OLS for the day arrives for his shift...

And on our return to SMN8, the area OLS has arrived and it is Eric Liberty who is the lead OLS on SMN this year and works here 4 days a week.  Sidenote: I can remember visiting Eric's dad, Conrad, at SMN8 "back in the day", circa 1990's.

... and then I heard about some "OLS Training" at CSHQ so I headed off to check that out.....

Arrival at CSHQ and yes, all 13 OLS candidates in Band One were at CSHQ and had just gotten out of the ocean apparently where they participated in a shallow water body recovery dive operation simulation (there's probably a shorter way to say that...)  While I was there I saw the following OLS Candidates: Greg Crum, Jamie Jacobson (aka, Jake 2.0), Chris Barker, Dan Truax, Tucker Hopkins, and Jordan Stephens. 



Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2017.)

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