Sunday, September 18, 2016

Who Knew?!... The Hand Plane That Serves Up Meals, er, Waves!...

Dateline: Sunday morning, Ave-18, Venice Beach, Calif...

I know what you're thinking!  What's this body surfer with the wet suit and fins doing with a cafeteria tray?!...

Answer:  see the following photos!...

... this dude caught a couple of waves and then ran from the surf... we think he was late for work and needed to return the tray too!...


Postscript:  I mentioned this to OL Cooper at Ave-23 and he said, "Oh yeah, Newmie (Jr.) uses one of those on SMS!"  Then I saw Shota and he said, "That's an old trick... it's been around for years!"... or words to that effect...  


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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