Sunday, September 18, 2016

Heal The Bay Beach Clean Up Day, Sept. 17, 2016: Photos and Video

First of all, Thank Goodness for organizations like HEAL THE BAY and its volunteers for cleaning up the trash that piles up at the beach.  Yesterday, Sat., Sept. 17, 2016, HTB held its annual beach clean up day and their volunteers were out there hand picking up the trash along Santa Monica South (as well as other Southern California beaches).  We are especially grateful for HTB's efforts along SMS because, as this blog has repeatedly reported, the City of Santa Monica does NOT regularly or daily hand pick up the trash that piles up along the water line to the berm.

*** Video Alert ! ***

Heal The Bay Volunteers Clean Up Santa Monica South: The Video


It would be great if such organizations could organize monthly beach clean ups along the waterline to the berm throughout the year because give it a week and there will once again be trash piling up along the waterline to the berm, including cigarette butts, plastic bottles and caps, aluminum cans, glass bottles, paper cups, etc. et al..... that do not get collected and/or disposed of by the City of Santa Monica.

Thank you, HEAL THE BAY and your awesome volunteers!

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Postscript:  Below is a graph of the results of the trash collection in Santa Monica, courtesy of "Heal The Bay":


Respectfully submitted,

Will Maguire, Editor
"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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