Wednesday, September 7, 2016

SMN and SMS Reconnaissance...

Dateline: Wednesday morning, Sept. 7, 2016... we began this morning's off duty foot patrol/reconnaissance mission at CSHQ and walked out to the pier and over to Santa Monica North... followed by a flip turn and walk south through the pier and on toward Ocean Park where we did a four tower ocean swim... Here are the photos and videos of this trip... for your consideration.

Santa Monica North...

Working a morning shift at SMN Tower #15 is Veteran LACo OL, Sarah Gullickson

and that's where we made our flip turn and returned to Santa Monica South, where we were greeted by this plastic toy crab who it seems is just as broken up as we are about all the trash littering the beach, esp. along the water line...

Setting up his coned area around SMS Tower #16, below, is Veteran LACo OL, Vic Navarro

Wings are all that's left of this bird adjacent to SMS Tower #18...

Approaching Bay St./SMS Tower #20, it's no surprise to find an empty beer bottle...

Arriving at SMS Tower #20, we found the "Mayor of Ave 23", Veteran LACo OL, George Akopyan, on duty!...  Question: How do we know summer schedules are over?   Answer:  George Akopyan is back on SMS having finished out yet another summer in Venice, that's how!

*** Video Alert ! ***

 Goerge Akopyan At SMS Tower #20: The Video

On a long beach run during an off duty workout below is Veteran LACo OL, Chris Newman...

And many thanks to the Dog Owner for not cleaning up after their pet... on the hard pack near the waterline adjacent to SMS Tower #25...

We finally made to SMS Tower #26 for our swim workout, and found Veteran OLS Alex Vicente on the deck watching the water like a hawk!...

a carcass found at the water line, below, on our return trip out front of Tower #24 so we alerted the OL who was just getting on duty there...

And who was it at Tower #24...  none other than Veteran OL, Kent Morris, who was on schedule at Will Rogers this past summer and remarked that he was glad for the change of scenery due to the lack of surf and activity at WR this past August...  Of course, there is nothing quite like working the Venice Avenues like Kent did for many years...

... and then it was on toward Bay St. and Tower #20 where we checked in again with Veteran OL George Akopyan!...

And Check Out The Guns on George Akopyan!   Shown here he is recommending that I take up boxing as a compliment to the 500 count of the jump roping I did earlier this morning... (5 x 100 jumps)...  (note: We haven't seen guns like that since Jay Butki was observed last summer off SMS Tower 226 while captaining Baywatch Santa Monica...)

Meanwhile, amid the debris buried in the sand adjacent to Tower #20, we found yet another Medical Cannabis container which are becoming a regularly found item of beach trash.  Apparently, even the medical cannabis users are litterbugs...

And then we finished up our foot patrol and reconn at CSHQ...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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