Sunday, September 11, 2016

"Bill Powers Memorial Service: Faces In The Crowd", by Harry Varnas

Dateline: Sunday morning, Sept. 11, 2016 at Will Rogers Lifeguard Headquarters, for the memorial service for OLS Bill Powers, R.I.P. The following photos are by & Copyright Harry Varnas 2016 and are used here with his permission.  Per Harry:

"Hey Will,  here some closeups from the Bill Powers memorial. Its great to see the guards from Bill's era.   John Thomas and Norton were in rare form.  Since the crew is so spread out, here are some shots for everyone to enjoy."

Scott Davey

Harold Dunnigan

Tom Katsouleas

Steve Contarsy

Buddy Bohn

Angus Alexander

Greg Bonann

Scott Hubbell

Bill Bischoff

Joel Gitelson

Tim McNulty, Sr.

Phil Topar

Mike Frazer

Mickey Gallagher

Ralph Lee

Chuck Locko

Will Maguire

Rebecca Gilman

Below, at center, Bill's cousin and the master of ceremonies for the memorial service, Bob Prokop, with his mother (Bill's aunt), at right, being presented with the American Flag by the U.S. Army Color Guard.

Norton Wisdom

Richard Mark

Warren Rigby

Below, L2R, Steve Contarsy, John Thomas, and Norton Wisdom

L2R, Joel Gitelson and Adrian Crook

Below, Richard Mark, in profile

L2R, John Thomas with Lifeguard Chief, Steve Moseley

 Below, L2R, Will Maguire and Joel Gitelson

Below, L2R, Section Chief Terry Yamamoto, OLS Tex Ribera, and OLS Rebecca Gilman

Abby Schneider

Jay Hopkins

Matty Mitchell

Greg Pfeifer

*** Many Thanks to Harry Varnas for sharing these spectacular photos with all of us !

Rest in peace, Bill Powers!

Respectfully submitted,

"County Recurrent" News

***   ***   ***

1 comment:

  1. RIP Bill Powers sorry I was unable to be there and remember the years I worked with Bill. Great water-man!
