Saturday, August 6, 2016

2016 Intracrew Relay, etc. et al...

Dateline: Friday evening, August 5, 2016 at Hermosa Beach, Calif.  The annual Los Angeles County area beaches face off against each other in an evening of competitions...

USCG Demonstration with one of the LACo Baywatch Rescue Boats...

*** Video Alert ! ***

U.S. Coast Guard Helicopter & Baywatch Demo: The Video

*** Video Alert ! ***

 •  County Recurrent Gets A Plug From The Announcers: The Video

The Run Relay begins...

OLS Chad Carvin, below, arriving in time to suit up for the Will Rogers Intercrew team...

... next up is the Shallow Water Sprint Relay (aka, Surf Sprint Relay)...  and that is veteran OL/Orthopedic Surgeon, Dan Stephenson out there in the surf line holding up the first buoy!...

OL/Attorney at law, Greg Crum, in "beast mode" motoring along the sand on the back half of his leg of the relay for Manhattan Beach...

and here comes Mel Solberg finishing first for his Torrance-Redondo Team!...

*** Video Alert ! ***

 Panning the Crowd of Competitors: The Video

The winning surf sprint relay team below!...

 And then it was time for the paddleboard relay...

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BMurph & The Victorious Manhattan Beach Paddleboard Relay Team

*** Video Alert ! ***

 Video #1: 2016 Pre-Intercrew Reconn

Team Zuma in the two photos below...

*** Video Alert ! ***

 Team Zuma Reconn: The Video

And then the Main Event, the Intracrew Relay begins... starting with the swimmers. Below, Venice swimmer Juan Delgadillo returns to the beach in 2nd place behind Torrance-Redondo lead swimmer, Ryan Bullock.

Juan Delgadillo finishing strong...

Kelsey Cummings finishing strong...

Mike O'Donnell at right below, discusses rip current next to pier with Ryan Bullock.

Spiderman toddler take down below...

Venice swimmer, Dave Walters, below in the white tank top, absolutely crushed it as the 2nd swimmer, regaining the lead by an enormous margin.

Below, the final swimmer, Kirra Makuta, for the Venice team waits her turn...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Venice Intercrew Swimmers Hand Off: The Video

Venice swimmer, Charlie Patch, rehydrates after his steller performance as the 3rd swimmer...

Capt. Eric Howell, getting mentally prepared for the paddleboard segment of the relay for Venice...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Fink & Makuta Swim Finishes: The Video

Meanwhile, Team O'Donnell (aka, Torrance-Redondo) paddler, Kelsey O'Donnell completes her turn on the paddleboard and she absolutely crushed it!...

Venice Paddler, Toby Contarsy, finishing strong...

Below, Torrance-Redondo Surfskier, Tom Fink, is first to hit the surf during this segment of the relay!...

Venice prepares it's dory...

Team O'Donnell is first into the surfline on the dory...

Venice is close behind in second...

 ... until they get pummeled by an incoming wave and they capsize...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Venice Intercrew Dory Launch: The Video

The Venice boat also loses an oar lock in the process...

Team O'Donnell below returns to the beach after their successful first leg of the dory segment for Torrance-Redondo...

The Venice boat gets pummeled again and capsizes...

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Venice Dory Carnage: The Video

Team Zuma negotiating a rotation below...

It's just not Venice's nite for the dory.  Maybe a different dory and perhaps a different sponsor is in order.....

*** Video Alert ! ***

•  Torrance-Redondo Victory Celebration: The Video

•  Torrance-Redondo Victory Lap & Dory Carry: The Video

Below, the Redondo/Torrance/Cabrillo Intracrew Medley Champions team members are listed (courtesy of Adam Sandler)...



Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016, unless otherwise indicated.)

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