Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thursday, July 28, 2016: SMS Foot Patrol and Buoy Swim...

Dateline: Santa Monica South, Thursday, July 28, 2016... Get this!  By 12:10 pm, Central Section had recorded 11 stingray hits on beach patrons!...  Do the Shuffle!...

In any case, we begin with a photo of the still under construction and yet to be completed Recurrent Sauna and Jacuzzi Recreational Facility out front of CSHQ.  Also, note the dory on the Ben Gottlieb Shred Sled and its new placement adjacent thereto in advance of this evening's Thursday Nite Twilight Concert Series on the Santa Monica Pier...

Below, the SMPD's Eye in the sky on the sand before it gets lifted...

Someone decided to go barefoot recently...

OL Brandon Leon at Tower #24...

Below, today is not a day for the Mike Murphy Foot Bucket Pedestal apparently at Tower #26, though it remains available and on standby status in the shade between the bucket and the red racing paddleboard...

After our buoy swim at Tower #26, we head back to CSHQ but not before getting a good shot of Tower #26 and Capt. Eugene Atanasio watching the water from the deck...

OL Sebastian Wurvee, below, rescue can raised and watching the water out front of Tower #26...

Below, the other Snyder brother... OL Scott Snyder, on duty at Tower #24...

Below, Tower #22, now doubled with OL Brandon and, we think, OL Katya...

And back at Tower #16, the other Leon brother, OL Steven Leon, on his deck and watching the water...

Center of frame below and stuck in the soft sand is the Santa Monica Police truck setting up for tonite's concert...

Below, the 10th recorded stingray hit in Central Section gets treated at SMS Tower #16 by Capt. Eugene Atanasio and OL Ben Gottlieb...

And below, look who else wears SPY sunglasses besides OL Katya... none other than OL Ben Gottlieb...

And those large Sparklett's water bottles don't get filled with hot water by themselves for treatment of stingray injuries!  Shown here is Capt. Scott Grigsby who told us at 12:10 pm that there had been 10 stingray injuries in Central Section... and two minutes later SMS Tower #29 called in an 11th!...

Do the Stingray Shuffle!


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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