Thursday, July 21, 2016

Strafing the Venice JG's + Wisdom Cameo...

Thursday morning, July 21, 2016... at Ave-26 and Ave-23 along Venice Beach, Calif.....

 Below, Ave-23 Tower...

Below, the Venice JG Program venue between Ave-23 and Ave-26.....

Below, JG's in the ocean swimming and practicing on paddleboards.....

Venice JG "A" Group Instructor/LACo OL, Steve Contarsy, below...

Venice JG "A" Group doing a multi run-swim-run.....

Below, Venice Captain Eric Howell, pounding out a workout in the soft sand...

And wait!  Who's that !   None other than OLS (Ret.), Norton Wisdom and his daughter, Ireland, just showed up to take a swim!...

Never mind about that sign.....  :-)

*** Video Alert ! ***

Norton & Ireland Go Swimming: The Video

And then we headed back to the Venice Garage to shower up and we noticed Venice JG "B" Group Instructor/OL, Toby Contarsy, rinsing the salt water off his group after their paddleboard and surf session.....



 Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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