Friday, July 22, 2016

Friday is all right.....

Dateline: Friday morning, July 22, 2016, along Santa Monica South.....

We're not sure what this guard was shouting but the one glove was a concern so we took off running in the opposite direction...  just sayin'.....   :-)

Watching the water from Tower #22 with his binoculars from his ramp is OL Brandon Leon..... with OL Chris Ro taking a break from his pre-shift off duty workout.....

SMS Tower #26, the engine room of Santa Monica South, below.....

Below, OL Ben Gottlieb, filling in the area at the bottom of the ramp with more sand with the use of a shovel.....

OL Sebastian Wurvee, about to start his workout.....

Below, OLS Mike Murphy at the wheel with Ben Gottlieb on the back of the truck respond to a child with a bee sting on her foot at Tower #27.....

Nice shape to the shoulder high waves.....

Capt. Eugene Atanasio, below, watching the water and living the dream, in the shade......

Below, the OLS Mike Murphy foot bucket pedestal at SMS Tower #26 is still in operation.....

We then set our camera equipment aside and hit the surf for an off duty workout......

Upon our return from our workout, we find OL Sebastian Wurvee, at right, below drying off after his workout with Capt. Eugene Atanasio, at left, still watching the water.....

OL Chris Ro, on duty on the deck out front at Tower #24.....

Lots of people out surfing below off of SMS Towers #20 and 18.....

Back at SMS Tower #16, L2R, OL Mike Peoples and OL Lacey Beatie on the sand locking up the paddle board locker after schlepping it out of the locker and over to the side of the ramp.....

This OL below chooses SMITH® for her sunglasses.....

And why is Mike Peoples smiling?...

.... cuz Lacey is doing all the work!   :-)  (Just kidding!)

It's gonna be another hot weekend..... so seek shade, apply and reapply sunscreen and stay hydrated.


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016)

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