Saturday, July 9, 2016

Strafing Santa Monica South...

Saturday morning, July 9, 2016 along Santa Monica South from SMS Tower #26 to Navy St. in Venice and back... in under two hours..... photos, videos, a swim.....

SMS 26 through the trees...

SMS 26 from the parking lot...

OP26 locals...

No sooner than I show up than OL Ben Gottlieb and OL Sebastian Wurvee bolt from SMS 26 and Sebastian hops on the back and Ben takes the wheel...

..... and off they go!.....

*** Video Alert ! ***

3 Seconds Only: The Video

 .... they proceed down to SMS 28 and Sebastian swims out and makes two rescues in a ginormous inshore hole and rip current...  I thought I had the video going but no luck.....  oh well.....

And then these two ocean warriors returned from their successful mission.....

... whereupon we once again notice the recently installed OLS Mike Murphy foot bucket podium.....

Below, Ben at the wheel drives carefully up beside SMS 26 and parks the truck...

Sebastian, below, hanging on the back of the truck, shirt off, having just made a double rescue.....

Below, OL Ben Gottlieb demonstrating the use of the Mike Murphy foot bucket on a pedestal... a piece of a pier piling that drifted into the shore at SMS Tower #26 a week ago today!...

We then started our soft sand run to Navy St. and no sooner did we start than we see OLS Sam Bertolet (Ret.) return to shore with his hilarious hand painted White Shark Longboard!... which he told me was inspired by the White Shark-Fisherman-Swimmer incident off the Manhattan Beach Pier two years ago.....

This father, below, at SMS 27, dragged that USC cooler all the way from the back of the beach to the berm only to discover it leaks...   :-)   Just kidding!...

Continuing on our run we pass SMS 28 and observe OL Cooper Moeschler commit to a rescue of a flailing swimmer in the rip out front of his tower..... (which we separately blogged about earlier this evening)...

Below, Cooper back on shore with the victim saved and on his way with his cast and his shoes on... still squeaking with water.....

We made the run to our turning point at Navy St. and said hi to veteran LACo OL/J.D., Juan Delgadillo, whose name appears on the Taplin Bell a bunch of times as a swimmer.

On our way back to SMS 26, we pass Cooper at SMS 28 and take a photo of the inshore hole and rip out front of his tower along with his rescue can and the flags he is about to set up...

Below, Doctor Gottlieb, I presume...  OL Ben Gottlieb treats a surfer's foot injury during his on duty workout time..... showing that duty comes first. 

Pounding the sand at SMS 26 below is OL Sebastian Wurvee...

Below, Sebastian floats us a Shaka!  Back at ya, Seabass!

Then I took a swim with my fins and GoPro camera and observed OLS Mike Murphy on a paddle board workout mixed in with some surfing on one of our Dept. paddleboards.

*** Video Alert ! ***

GoPro Video #1: Murph's Paddleboard Workout


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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