Saturday, July 9, 2016

(Just) Another Rescue By OL Cooper Moeschler...

Dateline: Saturday morning, July 9, 2016 along Santa Monica South at Tower #28... while on an off duty soft sand run toward Navy St.... I run past Tower #28 just as OL Cooper Moeschler leaves the deck of his tower..... and heads toward the water line with his rescue can and fins.....  It is then that we notice a swimmer struggling toward shore with a windmill stroke pattern (including a cast covering his left forearm and wrist) and what turn out to NOT be fins but heavy athletic shoes on his feet...  Well, see for yourself because "luckily" I had my camera with me and took several photos and a video of the rescue itself!

This first shot captures Cooper just right of center frame just as he has committed to making the rescue...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Another Rescue by OL Cooper Moeschler: The Video

After we ran down to Navy St. and said hi to OL Juan Delgadillo, we ran back and said hi to Cooper at Tower #28 and he had another swimmer to redirect away from the inshore hole and rip current out front of his tower...

Below, is a good shot of the rip and inshore hole out front of Tower #28 and at left of frame you can see Cooper holding up his rescue can and holding the flags he is carrying so he can set up a swimming area...

And then we split because we were on a day off and wanted to get in the water..... which we did
and it was lovely.....

Bodysurfing 101: The Video 


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and video by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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