Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Will Rogers JG Audit: Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Dateline: Will Rogers State Beach, Pacific Palisades, California.  We arrived at approximately 8:30 a.m. to prepare for our audit of the LACoFD Lifeguard Operations JG program which just began its summer session yesterday...  Here are the photos and videos...

*** Video Alert ! ***

JG's On The Run: The Video

Below, JG "A" Group Instructors, L2R, Lance Keene and Chuck Locko discuss the day's calendar...

"Video Alert ! ***

Locko & Keene: The Interview

meanwhile someone volunteers for the duty of swimming out the JG buoy, anchor and line (aka, ball & chain)... but she's got a smile on her face and is glad to do it!...

Got her fins on too!...

OL/JG Instructor, Lacey Beatie, leading her group of JG's...

*** Video Alert ! ***

•  County Recurrent Gets Wet: The Video

•  The A's Hit The Surf: The Video

 •  Sand Bar: The Video

... Back on shore we shoot some more photos and videos...

Below, the A's huddle up with their instructors...

Veteran LACo OL/JG Instructor, Cheri Ellington, below, waves to us... Hi Cheri!

*** Video Alert ! ***

•  OLS Tim Gair Off Duty: The Video


•  Go Pro Camera Gone Rogue: The Video


... and with that we packed it in, showered at WRHQ and headed for the parking lot..... where we saw OL Coral Kemp's fiance heading to his vehicle for his OT shift at Will Rogers North...

LAFD was also on scene getting their morning workouts in while they can.....

and Will Rogers Capt. Robert Torres wipes down his area vehicle...

and last but not least, apparently the resident Hawkeye JG Instructor at Will Rogers is back for another summer of fun!...


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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