Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Summer 2016: Santa Monica Junior Lifeguards On The Beach And In The Ocean...

Dateline: Tuesday morning, Santa Monica, Calif... adjacent to SMS Tower #28, the first week of JG's during this summer of 2016.....

Upon our arrival on scene... we noticed a big group of JG's on their paddleboards way outside the surfline... turns out this was the "A" group of JG's which are led by OL/Paramedic, Nick Sullivan...

Next, we recognized OL Wadley instructing the "C" group of JG's...

And the "B" group of JG's were being led by OL Dave Carpenter and OL Bruce Moncrief, below...

And then we noticed that the "A" group was returning to shore on their paddleboards...

... and we shot a short video of this "A" group effort...

*** Video Alert ! ***

JG's Returning To Shore On Paddleboards: The Video


After taking a swim with the "B" group during the Free Swim session, we returned to SMS Tower #28 and snapped a few photos from the deck of the JG venue in Santa Monica...

And check out the inshore holes, lateral currents and rip current that the JG's got introduced to, below...

*** Video Alert ! ***

 JG Controlled Chaos: The Video


A couple of large set waves carried the JG buoy line and anchor down the beach and this young A group JG went and fetched it and brought it back... Well done!

... and then we headed back to where we started at SMHQ.....


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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