Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Venice Pier AND Breakwater Recon: June 22, 2016

Dateline: Venice Beach, Calif. Wednesday morning, June 22, 2016... we heard the surf was going to build... so we decided to venture down to the hood and parked at #Division (or what once was...).  Here are the photos and videos from our reconnaissance of both sides of the Venice Pier, as well as up to Ave-18 in the #Avenues!...

Below, early man at the Pier is none other than veteran LACo OL/Paramedic, Barry Snyder!...

South side of the Venice Pier...

One of the Baywatch rescue boats patrolling toward the Venice Pier from MDR...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Baywatch and the Venice Pier: The Video

Below, looking towards Ave-26 and the Venice Garage...

Building surf north of the Venice Pier, below...

LACoFD Ocean Lifeguard, Julian Perez, watching the water from his tower at Ave-23...

This is the 2nd MODELO beer can I've found recently crushed and torn apart and left in the soft sand...  be careful out there!...

Below, OL Roald Morcova, sweeping his ramp at Ave 18...

Definitely the surf is building...

Below, OL Morcova makes four solid preventions and advises these visitors to Venice Beach of the ocean conditions, inshore holes and rip currents...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Four Preventions In The Avenues: The Video

 Meanwhile, at Ave 26, we see OL Perez setting up his signs and flags...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Signs & Flags: The Video

and then we took a swim off of Ave 26 and while outside the surf line an eight (8) wave set came in with wave size 3 - 5 feet with wave face heights of 6 - 10 feet on an approximate 16 second interval...
caught a following decent size wave all the way to shore (x-ref: shoreboat 101) and collected a boat load of sand too and brushed my forehead on the beach!  VICTORY!...

After toweling off, we approached the Venice Garage and saw a photo opp and grabbed our camera...   LACoFD lifeguard staff in transition... Standing, sans shirt, with hands on his hips is veteran LACo OLS, Scott DeBoer.

Is it just me or does it look like Scott has gained weight?!...  :-)   #NotEven  #EatSomething #TrainMuch #GoNavy

After showering we exited the Venice Garage adjacent parking lot and headed toward the Venice Pier in our off duty vehicle along Pacific Avenue... parked behind the pier for another photo session plus a cup of the Double French Roast coffee at nearby Cow's End...

Below, OL Rob Keely, on duty at Venice Pier...

LR200 on patrol on Venice South...

*** Video Alert ! ***

Venice South: The Video

BUCCaneer... Shout out to LACo OL (Ret./R.I.P.), Bob Chambers who worked this tower for many years!...

and then we went and got that cup of coffee at the Cows End and who do we see there?!... L.A. City OL (Ret.), Bill Kendall wife his wife, Pam!.. (photo below). Bill started working for L.A. City as a beach lifeguard in 1948 and worked until approximately 1953 while attending UCLA and before joining the Navy where in Hawaii in 1955 their son, Mark, would be born and who I would swim with at the YMCA and at Pali High in the 70's.....  In fact, Bill met Pam on the beach while lifeguarding at Will Rogers just north of where Temescal Canyon Blvd. is now (e.g., Tower 8)...


Bill and Pam Kendall, below, Cow's End regulars which is the intermission on their regular bike path excursions from Will Rogers...

Exiting the Venice Pier parking lot and heading to the office behind this classic surf van.....


Until next time.....

"County Recurrent" News

(All photos and videos by & Copyright Will Maguire 2016.)

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